I was sorry. I wanted Steven to understand that I wasn't in my right state of mind. All I wanted to do was hurt someone because that's how I was feeling.

I hope he understands.

"I forgive you." Steven half smiled at me which made me feel so much better.

"Can I hug you?" I asked awkwardly.

"Cmon." Steven stood up and hugged me making me laugh.

"Thank you for meeting up with me Destiny. And thank you for being honest and not saying some lame excuse." He smiled at me as we walked out of the restaurant.

"I owed you the truth and thank you for hearing me out." We hugged one last time before we both walked to our cars and left.

Once I sat down in the car and got myself situated, I pulled out my phone to call Derek and tell him how everything went.

I know he said to call him when I got in there so he could hear everything but I wasn't gonna do that. That's crazy.

"Hey baby." Derek answered the phone which put a bigger smile on my face.

"I just met up with Steven." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I told him why I did what I did and he forgave me." I started my car so the air would go on. It was getting hot in the car.

"Can I see you later?" He asked.

"Of course you can." I laughed.

"Let's go ice skating." He said.

"What time do you wanna go?" I asked looking at the time on the phone.

"5." It was only 1 so I had plenty of time to redress for ice skating and then to do whatever I wanted before.

"I'll see you then." I smiled.

"Drive safe baby, I love you." He said.

"I love you too baby." I hung up the phone and started backing out of the parking lot.


I arrived home and it was 3:45pm. I decided to go get ready for ice skating because I had no idea what I wanted to wear.

I put on some black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt and a cute green jacket. Some white pumas and a pink Michael Kors backpack.

I touched up my makeup and fixed my hair and then laid in my bed until Derek would text me

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I touched up my makeup and fixed my hair and then laid in my bed until Derek would text me.

Since it was already 4:32, I had plenty of time to myself.

"Sage watch out!" Naomi yelled at Sage which made me jump up. They're not supposed to be here until later.

They'll totally see Derek come pick me up now that their home.

I quickly texted Derek a spot to meet me instead.

I walked downstairs to see Naomi and Sage still arguing for whatever reason. They always argue over the stupidest shit.

"What's going on?" I huffed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sage keeps stepping on the back of my shoes and making them dirty." Naomi rolled her eyes at Sage.

"Your shoes are black, I'm sure you can't tell." I laughed and sat down on the couch.

"I bet I can. Where are you going?" Naomi asked.

Shit. I forgot to come up with an idea. I should've thought about this before coming down here. I should've known they were gonna question me.

"Bowling." I lied.

"Oh, with who?" Sage asked.

"Nate." I said. I hope they don't go over his house today because then they'd be suspicious and so will Nate. Plus, Derek would be gone too so they would know we were together.

"I'm gonna go now so I'll see you guys later." I said and quickly walked out of the front door.

I walked down the king street until I got to the end and was out of sight from the house. I wish this could be easier.

It was now 4:56 so Derek could arrive any minute. Just to make sure he was on his way, I called him.

"Hello?" Derek spoke.

"Did you leave yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm almost there. Are you that excited to see me that you got there early?" He teased.

"Naomi and Sage came home early so I left. I told them I was going bowling with Nate." I said.

"What happens if they find out you're not with Nate?" Derek asked.

"We'll think of something." I assured him.

"I'm pulling up now." He said and we both hung up the phone.

I looked around me and made sure there was nobody around.

I saw Derek's black Mercedes pull up and I quickly got in and we took off ice skating.

"Gimme a kiss." Derek said as he pulled up to a stop sign.

I leaned over and gave him a kiss and he continued driving.

"Who do you think would be more mad that we're together? Nate or Sage and Naomi?" I asked.

"Sage and Naomi definitely." Derek laughed.

"Why do you think so?" I couldn't blame him for thinking that. I was low key thinking the same.

"Nate would move on from it because he knows that I didn't cheat on you. He knows how I feel about you so I don't think he would be mad that we're back together but it's still not really certain, you know how he is. Girls are different then guys. They hold grudges longer and that's why I think they'll be more mad. They don't hear how I talk about you like Nate and the guys do. So they just think I'm this bad guy." Derek said.

"They're both my best friends and they just want the best for me. So I can see why they would get mad because they don't know what to believe and they don't want to see me get hurt." I stuck up for them on that part.

"I would be the same way if someone did that to them." I spoke up again.

I don't know how much longer this secret relationship is gonna last between Derek and I before we say something or someone finds out.

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