Fuck you dnce

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Hailee's POV:

I wake up and see Joe is near me "what are you doing?".

He looks up at me and says "just trying to do something bitch jeez".

I finally had it and I go up to the pilot and sit with him "hey can you drop me off at my house I hate DNCE".

The pilot looks at me and laughs "you think I'm just going to park this plane in front of your house no we are on tour and you are staying".

I mumble some words under my breath "fuck you DNCE fuck you Joe fuck your pilot too".

Joe calls my name from inside the first class of the plane, so I go there to find him naked laying on the floor "ok now since you are here please pleasure me".

I grab my purse and go to the emergency door on the plane "I would much rather jump out of the plane than do that".

Joe walks up to me and holds me "oh cmon you just suck it honestly".

I push him away and open the emergency escape door "goodbye fucker". I say as I jump out and pull the string for my parachute.

The pilot starts to feel air coming from first class, so what he does is put on autopilot and then he comes into first class "what the fuck?".

Joe gets back on his clothes and looks down for me "I think she landed too late man".

I land on this beach, and look up at the sky to see the plane disappear. Once it's out of sight I look around the island.

When I reach halfway into the woods, I see trees with bananas and grapes.

I decide to get them down and eat them, not knowing the grapes were poisonous. Later on that night I start feeling sick and throwing up "ughhh I should've never had those".

When the effects finally went away, I started hallucinating and see a person "who are you?".

The person smiles at me and takes my hand "I'm your conscious".

I really start to get scared and ask "so what are you doing here?".

It just looks at me "well I'm here to show you, your life Hailee".

I nod my head no and start to run away "get the hell away from me asshole".

My conscious starts to run after me "don't you wanna know what happens to you in the fuuuuuuuuttttttuuuuuurrrreeeeeee?".

I look back over my shoulder and see a hole "awww did someone fall in a hole?".

It crosses its arms and pouts "go away".

I clap and go to my little fire I created and think to myself "why would I ever wanna know my future? Just why".

A bear comes out from behind a tree and starts talking "hello I am freedie and I am here to help you".

I give the bear a weird look "ok that's enough just leave me alone".

He just walks away sad and eats a twig "I just wanted to help her".

When I hear the bear say that to himself I come to comfort it "awww I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings".

He just ignores me and eats his twig and I cuddle up to him "cmon your like my teddy bear I never got to have when I was little".

Freedie smiles and hugs me back "so you'll let me help you?".

I shrug my shoulders and keep holding him "yes I will".

He then takes me to his cave and puts a blanket on us "me keep you warm because you are important to the world".

I smile and take out my phone and play my songs from the Haiz EP "yes very important these are my songs I made hope you like".

Freedie starts bobbing his head "dam you can sure sing". I put my phone down and say "well yeah I sure can I am working on making an album".

He hugs me tightly and says "well I can't wait to hear more from you".

I smile and run away "who the fuck was that?".

That's when I feel a bug crawling on me "ahhhh wtf get off", I say as I try to rip it off.

When I hold it up its a beetle, a blue beetle that looks like he's lost.

I put him down and that's when I hear a group of kids, and the teacher say "who are you?".

I feel relieved and say "I'm Hailee steinfeld and I jumped from a plane and landed here".

The teacher gasps "well do you wanna come with us we can save you".

I walk with them and get to a plane "thank god you guys have a plane".

One of the smaller kids look at me and say "your tall".

I pick her up and bring her inside the plane "well now you just sit beside me and be a good little girl ok?".

She crosses her arms and sits with me "ok I will don't worry".

When we fly off the ground, all she does is talk talk talk. So I put in my headphones and listen to some music.

Bebe just keeps talking to me even know I showed her I have headphones in.

Eventually the teacher snaps at Bebe "BEBE SHUT UP".

I could hear that over my headphones, and when I look at Bebe she's balling "awww it's ok shh shh".

She just keeps crying but into my bunny hug "Mrs nickel yelled at me though".

I rub bebe's head and kiss it "look it's going to be ok shh shh".

Mrs nickel can't take it anymore, so she comes to me and Bebe and says "little girl stop crying please".

Bebe stops crying and gives Mrs nickel a strong look "I don't like you".

She just laughs and goes back to her seat. I whisper to Bebe "what the heck was that?".

Bebe doesn't say a thing and we finally land. After getting off the plane I go home and fall asleep on my bed "Joe you made me do this today your a little bitch".

I open up my phone messages and see joe's messages.

Joe: hey you
Joe: hey hoe
Joe: hey bitch
Joe: hey slut
Joe: hey fucker
Joe: fuck you
Joe: answer!!!!
Joe: just answer me
I don't feel like answering him so I turn off my phone and sleep.

End of chapter:

Tell me what you thought(honest opinion)

Thanks for reading and love you all

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