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"It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what's changed is you."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald



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Two teens stood side by side staring at the small house they haven't seen in practically a year. The house wasn't big and definitely nothing extravagant. It just felt odd for the twins. It felt as if things had changed in some way but they knew nothing had. Everything was the same. The same baby blue house. The same green garden, now slightly over grown. The same white picket fence. The same four initials messily carved into the concrete sidewalk by ten year olds.

It was them that had changed, the last time they had been in this house was about two months before their mother died.

Their last day at this house was the day of their fathers funeral. When they got home that day their mother told them to pack their stuff and they were gone that night.

The twins shared a look, silently communicating their thoughts. They had so many mixed emotions about being back. They were scared, excited, sad, nervous, etc.

"Hey, you guys just gonna stand there like the twins from 'The Shining' or are you gonna help me with these boxes?" A gruff voice sounded from behind them. Both twins turned to look at the older man with a frown. "I swear, if you two ask me to play with you forever and ever, I'm leaving." The man said looking between them.

That was James.
James was the half brother the twins had met the day after they left Riverdale. Apparently their mother had a son she told no one about. They are completely aware of how insane that sounds, but that's their mother for you.

James had only known the twins for about a year but he had grown quite fond of them in that small amount of time. At first he was envious, he thought they had everything. They had his mother, a father, each other, and they were from a small town were nothing bad seemed to happen. Boy, how wrong he was.

They were actually like him in many ways. For example they had both lost their fathers, and so when their mother died he took them in. He is now their legal guardian. For the short amount of time he's known them he has seen them go through so much, he has seen them loose almost everything. He thought moving back to the twins's home town would be better for them, and hopefully he was right.

James looked between the frowning twins and sighed. He walked around his car with a moving box in his arms as he came to stand in front of his younger siblings.

"Things will get better, I promise." He said giving them a weak smile, before walking to the front door of the powder blue house.

Felix, the older of the twins, turned to watch his brothers retreating form before turning back to his sister with a sigh. "C'mon." He mumbled before walking to the car and grabbing a brown box. Felicity took another moment to look over the place she still considered home, before following her brothers actions.

Home, sweet home. Felicity thought to herself sarcastically, refusing to admit to herself that she was absolutely terrified of what will follow their return. More specifically, wether or not a certain sardonic, beanie wearing boy will except it.


That's it for this chapter. I know it's short but I wanted it to be a bit more of a introduction chapter, you know? Anyways I promise the other chapters will be longer. Hopefully you like this so far and are gonna stick around for a bit longer. I hate authors notes and I know most people will skip past this like I do so I'm just gonna end it here lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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