Ch. 1

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"Aaand cut! Great job guys" The camera man said in a rush.

I sighed as I sat the microphone down on the stool then walked away from the scene. I sat in a chair next to the scene to relax after running my mouth for hours. Thank god it will be my last time having to do these many interviews for a while and I can finally relax.

"Final day, you excited?" Sean asked sitting next to me.

"Oh yeah, I want this but I don't want to do this anymore" I stated.

"I feel it. I wish the best for you JoJo, you know I love you" he expressed then placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Sean, I love you too" I replied smiling at him.

He stood up then helped the camera crew backup their equipment and I just gently laid my head back and relax.

"Great interview Roman, Boss said he has nothing left for you today so you can leave early if you want" A man said to Roman causing me to lift my head back up.

"Thanks man, I'll see you around" Roman replied then started to remove his gloves.

I always looked at Roman differently than the other men here. He always struck to me as someone who is nice and caring, but I've been told different. One of the women who had a thing with Roman told me he's rough and impatient with I can't see in him. He was always nice to ladies here at work and acted such a gentleman to us and towards his fans which made him more attractive to me. I have and always had a crush on him but I never went for it because every other women here would leaving me left behind and unnoticed. Although one of my close friends, Eva, told me Roman is always eye balling my body when I'm not looking which I don't believe. He never talked to me unless he has to which is only in interviews and that's it pretty much.

"Hey" He greeted knocking me out my thoughts.

"Oh hey Roman" I gracefully replied.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" He asked.

"Not at all go ahead" I said in shock. He sat down next to me then sighed while leaning back. I never truly communicated with Roman without scripts and I'm honestly shook right now that he's sitting next to me.

"I heard it's your last day" He said turning towards me.

"Yeah, you were my last person to interview" I said turning towards him with chills going down my spine.

"Really? Why are you leaving?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"This is just not my scene anymore. I want to do this but somewhere else this is getting to be too much for me now" I sighed and he nodded.

"I understand, wanna try something new and there's nothing wrong with that" he said then smiled at me causing me to tilt my head down and blush.

"Yeah thanks, what about you?" I asked while blushing.

"Me, Im not leaving anytime soon. Do I want to leave? Yes, but I can't right now" he said depressingly making me frown. I laid my hand on his hand causing him to look at it then look at me.

"The right time will come and I wish the best for you" I said smiling cheek to cheek.

"Thanks, I wish the best for you too" he said then a silent between us filled our area as we starred at each other.

Good Girl♡ JoJo x R.Reignsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें