Chapter 44: STARTING

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I said that your brother's are weak, pathetic, and they have all of their body parts." He repeats.

That was the biggest mistake Satan ever made.

"Listen here demon," I said in a mocking tone while coming up to punch him. "you can say whatever you want about me, but the moment you start talking smack about my friends," I kick him in the groin, "you automatically lose the fight." I finish as I grab him by his shirt and kick him again.

Using the extra time I try and find the way out.  If the only way I can see things that are going on on the other side is through the television, then the only way out would be by going through the television.  I run up to it and stick my arm through.  My arm was suddenly sucked in and the rest of my body followed.

Then something caught my leg.  It pulled me away from the television and into the black room.  I looked up.  Satan was pulling me away from the room. 

"Are you going to run away to your pathetic friends?" He taunted.

That's when I lost it.

Even without shinsei, I was able to conjure up flames.  Blue light exploded in the room and I punched Satan as hard as I could.  He went flying, but I wasn't done yet.  I stood up and walked over to him.  Then I put my heel into his stomach and pushed.  He screamed in pain.  Then I kicked him with the same foot and ran to the television.  I jumped into the screen.

When I finally got into the real world, Riley had the corners of my shirt pinned against the wall and Juliano had a sword to my throat.

"What did you do to her?" Riley growled.

"Wait wait, it's me, it's me." I said hurriedly.

"Prove it." Juliano demanded.

"How do you pro-" I started, but Juliano dug the sword into the edge of my neck.

"I know why my neck hurts, and I need to hunt.  Does that help?" I look at Aaden. "I told you not to tell Satan why his neck hurt." I try.

As soon as he heard this, Aaden ran up to Juliano and Riley.

"Yep, guys it's her, it's her." He said, relieved.

Juliano sighed and put the sword down as he gave me a hug.

"What happened to your arm?" Riley asked pointing to the little I had left of it.

"You don't want to know.  I just went through hell." I say as I faint.

I felt strong arms holding me up.  I had to tell them that I was still dangerous.  Satan was still in my head somewhere.  I needed to warn them.  With all of my effort, I opened my eyes.  Riley was still holding me.  I sat up.  He almost dropped me.

"Next time you decide to do something like that give a little warning." He said.

"Wait!" I said to everyone. "It's not over.  He's still in my head.  I don't know how he got there, but we're not completely safe yet." I warn.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Jojo said.

"Let's start with the fact that you don't have an arm!!!" Juliano yelled.

"Yeah, about that, it won't heal.  I mean, the wound had closed up, but my arm is still gone.  Do any of you know why?" I wonder.

"How did you lose it?" Lorette asked.

"Long story." I say not wanting to explain.  They all look at me with annoyed faces. "Fine," I groan. "But can I have some, um, food first because my neck is killing me.  Literally." I say, hoping to stall.

"First, explain how you lost your arm." Aaden argued.

"But-" I started.

"The faster you finish the story the faster you go hunting." Ryan said.

I groaned.

"It happened right before I passed out.  Satan drained the life out of me and ripped of my arm.  I woke up to you guys calling my name." I say quickly. "But he's in my head as we speak.  You have to get him out." I plead.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

I think everyone else was afraid to ask any questions.

"Nope, food first." I argue.

"You know what to do." Damien said.

"Seriously.  If I pass out, it's all your fault." I say as I get up.

I sigh.

Then I run outside and sniff.  Nothing new happened.  I found prey, as usual, and quickly got back to the house.

"Now, you have to tell us everything." Juliano says as I sit  back down.

"Um, I was in a black room with seats and a television set.  Stuff happened, I got stuck to the seat.  Satan came, drained the life out of me, ripped of my arm, I passed out.  I woke up to people calling my name, it was you and I started yelling things and then he came again.  I tried to use shinsei, but it didn't work so we ended up fighting, I almost won, but I started to run out of energy.  Then I passed out again, but it was only for a couple of seconds.  I yelled something and used telepathy to contact Aaden.  Then Satan came back, got me mad.  I was able to use my flames without shinsei.  I beat him, but he is still in my head.  I am assuming that the television was my eyes.  And that is a brief summary of everything." I say as fast as I can.

"I think I know why your arm won't heal." My mom points out.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Remember how the scars on your back won't heal.  They were created by Satan.  Any injury that you have that he causes is not going to heal.

"Wait, did you say that you could conjure flames without using shinsei?" Riley asked.

"Um, yeah.  Satan got me so mad that I almost exploded." I say with a laugh.

"That explains why all of a sudden you were covered in them." Gramps says.

"What did he say?" Juliano asked.

"He was saying how I was weak, that didn't really get me upset.  When he started calling you guys pathetic is when I lost it." I say.

Alyssa gasped.

"It's going to happen soon." Alyssa said after.

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