First Impressions

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(Most of you guys have read this chapter in my one shots)

Jack's POV

I've always wondered about that other weird side of our world. Though I've been told never to go there or to even make conversation with one that lives there. "Hey mom?" I called her. "Yes honey?" She answered.

I was nervous to ask what I wanted to. "Um...why is it that...we aren't able to cooperate with the other side?" I asked her. She looked up at me wondering why I asked such a question.

"You are not to speak of them in my presence." She said sternly. She turned and began walking away. "What about dad? Wasn't he-" She turned around angrily. "That son of a demon is not worthy of conversation either." She said.

I remained silent as she stared dead into my eyes. Then she sighed and turned back around, spreading her wings. "Just stay here and do your chores until I get back." She said, and flew away.

I watched her as she flew. Then I looked to where the border separated our world over the horizon. I wondered as I looked longingly at it. I then made a plan for myself before doing as mom said.

At night when she'd finally fallen asleep, my plan went into action. I snuck away quietly and headed towards the border. The fastest travel was on wings, which I hadn't gotten yet. So I had to go on foot for now.

I walked a rough half hour to the border past all the other angels in the area. I stood about 3 feet from it, contemplating the whole unfamiliar place. I reached my hand out to feel what it was like. Hot. That's what it was.

I was startled by someone calling to me. "Hey!" They yelled. I quickly pulled my hand away and looked around to see who it was. Was that...a demon?

"Wh-who are you?" I asked. "What's it look like? I'm a fuckin demon. What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you suppose to be asleep with mommy angel or somethin?" He asked rudely.

"Well...I'm not suppose to be here if that's what you mean." I told him, a bit nervous talking to someone like him for the first time. "Yeah whatever. I thought angels weren't allowed over here. Don't you follow rules? You'll be sent here if you don't."

He said smirking. I gulped realizing he was right about that. "Yes, I know...but I just-" I started when someone else yelled out. "Mark?! Where are you?!" I heard. "Fucks sake." He mumbled under his breath.

"I'm right here!" He called back. A larger demon flew down with his large, black feathered wings. I ran out of sight.

Mark's POV

"There you are. What are you doing at the border? Thinking about joinin those sissy angels?" He asked sarcastically. "Psh, you fuckin wish bro. I think I'm happy with my scandalous life here." I grinned.

"Just make sure you're back home in 30 minutes." He said turning to fly back. "Dickwad." I called him. "Fuckboy." He said back. Just a little thing we did as a joke every now and then. He then flew away and I turned back towards the border.

"Alright angel coast is clear. You can stop hidin now." I said. He peered out from behind a large rock. He walked slowly, seemingly showing a little fear back to the border. I laughed at him.

"Oh c'mon. Don't be a pussy get your ass over that line." I said pointing to it. He gave me a shocked look. "Wh-what? You want me cross it?" He asked, uncertain about it. "Hell yeah! What, are you scared? I thought angels were more confident than that." I said.

He gave me a 'bish wha???' face. "I'm confident!" He said. I laughed. "Do it then." I challenged him. He looked at me and down at the line hesitantly. Slowly, he stepped one foot in front of the other, crossing it.

"See? There you go!" I patted him on his back as he leaned forward panting lightly. "Geez...why is it over here?" He asked. "Dude, this is basically hell. It stays hot in this bitch. I dunno how you guys take it though. Woah!"

I said as he fainted and fell forward onto my chest. I caught him and wrapped my arms around him. "Damn, that was fast. One minute and you're already fallin for me." I said,
chuckling to myself.

I picked him up a little and layed him down on his side of the border. I sat there and looked at him for a second. I always thought every angel looked alike. Halos, bright wings, white cloaks. But he had none of those.

I studied him a bit more before he opened his eyes. He groaned as he sat up. I smiled at him. "Too much heat for you?" I asked looking up at him with my head resting on my knees. He looked at me. "Y-yeah, I guess." He said.

Jack's POV

"You mother always said demons were terrible and rancid, but you seem really nice for one." I said smiling. He chuckled. "Are you blushing?" He asked. I giggled and looked away holding my cheek.

He moved closer to the line to where there was pretty much no space between us. He turned my face towards him. "Don't hide your face. It's beautiful." He said. I bit my lip and smiled again.

"I didn't think a demon would use such a complementary word." I chuckled. He did the same. "To be honest, I never really used it on anyone else." He said. That made me blush again.

He looked at me and stopped smiling. "What if I were to say....that I like you?" He asked, placing his hand on my cheek. My eyes widened. " like me...? But isn' between the two of us forbidden?" I asked curiously.

"Not that I don't like you either..." I added on. "I don't care." He said, and pulled me into a kiss. His lips were so warm and soft. I loved every second of it. He pulled away and we panted lightly.

I smiled. "Wow...I never expected my first kiss to be with a demon..." I said. He smiled back. "Glad to hear I'm your first." He said, kissing me again. "Mark!! Time to come home!!" I heard his brother yell again.

He turned his head to look behind him, then back to me. "Well, I guess that's my call. Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "I'll see what I can do." I said smiling. He kissed my cheek.

"See you then." He whispered into my ear. He got up and started to leave. I got up soon after he did and watched as he walked away, smiling before I started walking home myself.

Opposites Attract - Book One: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now