How To Fuck A Scene, For Dummies (J3TxDM)

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Concept: I accidentally got a boner while watching you in the locker room. Oops?

High school AU

Dom: Danny
Bottom: George

Enjoy (゚O゚)\(- -;


(Smut written by yours truly, Roni 3 Tears)

Jesus he's beautiful. His brown hair and hazel eyes! Not to mention his body build. Are 17 year olds' supposed to have that much muscle on their legs? Oh god those legs... Too bad his football pants, whatever they're called, covers them. Although, they do make his ass look bigger.

George mentally (and almost physically) drooled over Daniel Murillo, all star football team quarter back, Also known as the guy who Mr. George Ragan has a crush on, known also as sexy football guy with great legs.

A voice suddenly cut through the 16 year old scene phased boy. "Ya know you look like a gay pervert, right?" George jumped and slightly yelped in surprise. He looked behind him and groaned in irritation. "What're you doing here?"

The skinny man chuckled. "Nice to see you too, bitch." Aron smirked arrogantly. George huffed in annoyance. "Why're you here? Shouldn't you be in Geometry?" The Russian smirked. "I would if I weren't skipping. Plus I saw someone standing behind a tree watching the Juniors play football, I noticed that one of them just happened to be Mr. Murillo so I knew it was you."

The Irish teen with died hair blushed with embarrassment while looking back to see if he had been spotted, which luckily he hadn't. "Am I creepy?" The blue eyed boy asked his friend, suddenly feeling shameful of himself.

Aron sat down and George followed. The lighter of the two put his thin arm over George's shoulder. "Nah man, you have someone who makes you happy. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see him." Aron smiled at him. George couldn't help but to smile back at the kind words of his friend.

A whistle suddenly cut through the pleasant quietness. George smiled. "That's my cue. See ya later Produca!" George stood up and raced to keep up with his Sophomore gym group, which happened to share the same field as the Juniors, due to the school (unsurprisingly) not having a whole lot of money.

Though, that's not the only thing the two gym groups have to share.

George managed to catch up with his fellow sophomores and was now trailing behind, partly dreading and partly excited for what came next: watching the sexy football guy with great legs get changed.

Ragan hadn't ever taken pictures of Daniel Murillo but maybe today was his day. Shirtless Instagram photos had been used for too long now, George needed fresh pictures and he'd do it himself. Yes if he got caught he would get into a deep load shit that could involve the police. But that's less likely to happen because, who would think that a teenage boy would take lewd photos of another teenage boy? At the time, gay people were just a myth, so he'd be fine.

George's clothes weren't dirty so he didn't need to change but he went to his locker anyway. George's cheeks got warmer as her saw his crush pulling his shirt over his head and shaking his head making the beautiful brown locks move finely. Ok maybe George was over exaggerating, truth be told he looked like any other teenage boy changing. But don't tell Tha Server that.

George's gym locker that was about 2.5 meters away from sexy football guy with great legs. The teen looked around and made sure there was no one around to catch him. Luckily, most of the lockers taken for this hour were up in the front, closest to the door into the school, while the door closest to George was the door to outside.

In order to look casual he took out his Blackberry (kids of 1990-2001 will know what this is) and held it so it looked casual but tilted at an angle where he could take pictures of others. The scene boy did his best to look uninterested in the outside world while opening the camera app. George felt anxiety creep into him as he angled the phone to Murillo, who was taking off those tight and mostly unappealing sports pants.

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