Nick went down in kitchen to look for her but she was no where is sight. He finally decided to sit in their T.V room and wait for her. He entered the room to the sight of pitch black darkness and a switched on T.V.

As soon as he entered in room the image of a Washroom appeared on television. The woman in video was unmistakably Nisha standing in her signature pose of stubbornness, hands folded across the chest and chin tilted upwards in defiance.

The scene folding infront of him was nothing he ever expected.  This video was recorded by someone who was hidden in one of the stalls, angle was bit peachy but he could hear everything very clearly. 

It was Elizabeth with whom Nisha was having this conversation.  

Elizabeth congratulated Nisha on there engagement but called it fake, but whappened next was beyound his imagination.


"Congratulations Nisha on your fake engagement. "

"Why would you think that it is fake Elizabeth?"

"Because i know Nick. He can't marry a girl like you."

"Well, if that is what you think, but as far as we are concerned we are getting married. "

"Well not happening dearie cause I want him back."


"  Because I want him back."

"Look Elizabeth, I understand that you had a past together but you cheated on him."

"Well, I don't know how you know that but even if i did ,so what?"

"You killed his unborn child Elizabeth. You could have waited for him to return."

"Ohh my dear , that wasn't his child to kill. That child was someones with whom i was fooling around, I tried to use it as my advantage but that bastard father of his found out and i had to abort it before anyone could find out and ruin my chances of getting some rich guy. But now that you have given me this idea , i can still use that child to get Nick back."

"No you can't. I'll tell him the truth. "

"You think he will listen to you? he won't. He will trust me and you know why? because he still loves me; he never listened to his father what makes you think he'll listen to you. So here's a little friendly advice for you honey, leave him while your heart is still intact cause I'm going to make him mine. "

With that Elizabeth stormed off  and screen went blank.

Nick was shell shocked , he turned around as the lights switched on and Nisha walked into the room.

"I think should sit down Nick. You need a minute. "

Nick took a seat defeatedly, waiting for Nisha to explain everything.

"I know Nick you have lot of questions, but what you saw right now was what happened tonight at gala. Divya recorded this video while I and Elizabeth were having that conversation, I know this is lot to take in, you should rest we can talk about this tomorrow. "

Nisha explained him as she took a seat next to him.

"No, No, No, No, No. Nisha what have I done? I trusted her ,for all these years , I trusted her; I hated my dad for mistake he never committed. He was right , he was always right about her. "

Nick broke down in sobs as Nisha wrapped her arms around him , rubbing his back.

"I left him alone Nisha, I knew he was dying and i still left him alone, I wasn't there for him when he took his last breath, I never told him how much he meant to me  that I loved him. I'm a horrible son, I let him down."

"Shhhh......Nick it wasn't your fault , it was her fault, she lied to you. she created that misunderstanding. Charlie was very proud of you, proud of what type of man you became in-spite of your grief of loosing your child."

"No Nisha , it was my fault, I was blinded by her love, you know what she was right i would have trusted her over you, I trusted her word over my father's. This is my fault. "

"Nick listen to me, it wasn't your fault OK? and charlie knew that, he told me that too when you and I had that fight two years ago. He told me to understand you, that you were suffering through your own grief ,that one day you'll come around."

"I'm a worthless man Nisha, you were there for my father when I was trapped in hatred, I couldn't fulfill my duty as a soon but you did it, you were there at every step,at every point you were a better daughter to him than I could have ever imagined myself imagine to be his son. Thank you Nisha for being there for him , for being  a child he truly deserved."

"Nick stop it, stop blaming yourself. You are not in your right mind. Come on lets sleep on it, you'll feel better."

Nisha forcefully pulled him to his room and tucked him in, he held her hand as she turned to leave. 

"Can you stay with me today?  I don't want to be alone tonight."


She got in the bed from the other side, scooted over to him, pulling him in her arms and soon he fell into  a dreamless sleep.  

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