Happy Birthday Babe

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I sware it has been the longest month of not stop makeup, costume, and filming. The sad part is that I'm not near being done and it's only December. I was only able to stay with Tanner a week after the accident then I had to come back to set. I feel really bad that I couldn't stay with him longer, God damn I miss him. The entire cast and crew get a week and a half to spend the holidays with family and friends. That means back onto the plane.

My plane landed around 11:30 and it's pitch black out as I wait for my Uber. I look down at my phone - 11:59 pm Wednesday, December 21st, 2017.

"Great I've been standing here in the cold for thirty minutes already. When is this Uber going to get here?" I mumble as I wrap my arms around myself tighter. Why is it cold in California? Because winter is a bitch, Carter.

"Carter?" Someone calls from behind me. I turn around to see a familiar face. 

"Alexys, hey. Late flight too?" I ask her as she stands next to me with her luggage.

"Yeah, I just landed not too long ago." She paused for a second looking me over, "How are you and Tanner doing? You haven't posted a lot in the last month since your 'top secret' project."

Tanner and I good, aren't we? "Yeah, I feel horrible that I can't post very much recently but I'll make it up to you and the other fans." 

"Tanner's car turned out lovely, don't you think?" 

Tanner said something about his car looking amazing and it does; I've been so busy I've only had time to facetime him. But I did manage to watch one of his vlogs with him jumping on a tramp in Tempest. Oh boy, I yell at him for being stupid. "It is... How are you and Joey?"

"Fantastic, he's on his way to get me now."

A white car pulls up in front of us and rolls the passenger window down. "Carter Wells?" The woman asks.

"Yup, that's me." I turn to Alexys one last time, "See you around." With that, I grab my duffle bag and slide into the back seat. I lean back in the seat while having small talk with the driver and looked out the window at the lights all the way home. 

I thank my driver and quickly give her five stars and walked into my house, Like usual it's empty. I sit in the dark on my bed breathing in all the familiar scents of the lavender scented candles with the hint of Chick-fil-a. Tanner... 

Looking over, I see Tanner working away on a video. Something in me craved him, his touch, his lips, even his dorky grin. I set my duffle bag on the bed pulling out the perfect objects. My feet travelled across the cold wet grass, soaking my bare toes, over to his window. Tapping three times then opening the window and climbing through swiftly unlike Tanner the time he tried to climb in my window. 

His eyes were full of shock. "I bought pizza but I know I can't finish myself so I tho...." Before I could finish my the very casual sounding sentence, soft lips were pressed into mine. I sat/throw the pizza box onto his desk as I kissed him back. His hands are tight over my hips bringing me closer. 

"God I missed you." He breathed out heavily as we pull apart for air. Our foreheads touching. 

A wide smile stretches across my face as a say, "You have no idea how much I wanted that to happen." 

Tanner takes his forehead off of mine and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What did you say? Something about pizza?" I nod over to the box. Tanner sits down at his desk opening the box and taking the biggest piece.

"Sorry it's..." I look at the time on my phone, "An hour and twenty minutes late but I got you this," I pulled out a small object and handed Tanner a little mini GTR. 

"Oh. My. God. It's a little Guac Zilla!" He examines the little car in his hand. Looking over every little millimetre, opening the doors, and running his fingers all over the little car's frame.

 Looking over every little millimetre, opening the doors, and running his fingers all over the little car's frame

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His silence and investigation are killing me. "So you like it?" I ask sheepishly.

"Of course, I love it!" His face lights up with a goofy grin as he sets the little car on his desk and wraps his arms around my body. He presses his lips to mine and they move in sync. 

We ended up on the bed with him on top of me. We broke the kiss and just laughed. I don't know why we are laughing but I missed this. Tanner quickly got off of me to turn the lights off and stripped for bed. I took off my pants and bra then crawled under the sheets along with Tanner. He pulls me close as I bury my face into his chest and let all the tension out of my body.

"Happy Birthday Tanner," I whisper from his chest. He kisses my head as a response as I drift into a peaceful sleep.

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