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As we got on the plane I sat in between Floyd and Harley. Once we sat down a woman came aboard the plane as we all stopped to stare at her. She looked Japanese to me and had a sword attached to her left side hip. "You late." Flagg informed her which she replied in Japanese. "This is Katana . She gots my back. I would advise not to get killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of it's victims." Flagg explained to us. "Nice to meet 'cha love your perfume what is that the stench of death?" Harley said with a excited smile making me roll me eyes. I zoned out and laid my head on my lover's shoulder zoning out. Shaking disturbed my slumber and arms tighten around me. Ready for something to happen we suddenly crashed landed in a city. Groaning I was pulled out from the ruble by strong arms. Looking at my savior I saw a green scaly face causing me to blink. My vision focuses on Killer Croc so I jumped out of his arms and nodded in thanks. "Are you okay?" Harley asked me with a small smile. Nodding I walked passed her to get next to Deadshot who looked at me with concern. 'I am okay.' I mouth to him so he smiled and nodded at me. Looking at the ground I ran into Flagg who glanced at me so I muttered an apology. Feeling eyes on me I turned around to find a guy named Slipknot staring at me with lust so I cringed. Floyd came next to me and glared at Slipknot with a warning look. Relaxing I hugged his arm and smiled in thanks at him.Suddenly as if something startled Floyd who stiffen and then gently took me off of him. He walked forward abit then motion me to him. "Something wrong?" I asked him but he said nothing. Then yelling was heard making me turn around to see the commotion. Cap' and Slipknot were trying to escape but a small explosion went off. Looking up I froze as I seen Slipknot's body hang from a building without a head. Flagg looked at the rest of us then came up to me and Floyd. "Are you next Blade? What about you Deadshot?" Flagg threatens the both of us. "Did you us threaten us?" "Oh yeah." Flagg replied looking with a smile. "You just threaten us." Floyd said pointing at him while I stood with an emotionless mask. Walking ahead a little bit not paying attention to anybody else. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me close to them. Looking up I saw Floyd looking down at me. Nodding at him I smiled and kissed his cheek.He pulled me closer to him and we walked behind everybody. When we were a few yards away from them Floyd pulled me into a passionate kiss causing me to smile and kiss him back just as passionately. Pulling for air I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. "I been waiting to do that since we been in the hellhole." He said to me as I smirked at him in agreement. Walking towards the others he looked for any danger.

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