Meeting the team

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Kayla pov
The next morning I hear a bunch of footsteps coming towards our cells. To lazy to fight anybody I stood up and waited for them to open my cell. "Get her." Griggs demand the guards. They came and put cuffs on me. Walking out I hear Floyd fighting them making me smile to myself. Soon they strapped me to a chair and wheeled me down the hall. Reaching our destination I just let them do their thang and waited for my turn. Floyd was in front of me how and he started threatening them. "Anyone who touch me is dead. Anyone touch me is...." They injected him with something as it was my turn. "Excuse me miss? Miss? Oh you one of them deaf hoes." I laughed at him making him smirk at me with a wink. I calmly waited for them to do the same thing. After that they led us to our nest destination were I saw some more people in wheelchairs.

Some time later we stopped in a circle of armed men and women. There in the middle was the guy named Flagg. "Let them go." he ordered and they uncuffed us. Standing up I let out a loud moan of pleasure of stretching. I felt people staring at me so I glared at them. Looking away I smirked at them as the girl next to me introduce herself to the others. "Harley Quinn nice to meet 'cha." she held out her and the dropped it after no one moved. "What was that? I should kill everybody and escape?" She said out loud making me raise my eyebrow at her then looked at my feet. "I just kidding. That's not what they really what they said." She continued but Flagg spoke up as a chopper games and landed dropping a bag then leave.

"Well well what do we have here 12 pounds of shit in a 10 pound bag." Flagg said as he cut open the bag. "Welcome to the party Captain Boomerang." A man came out swing at anything he first sees. Grabbing him Flagg and a couple of military men held him to a pole. "Hey calm down" "Hey one minute I was playing Mahjong with me Nanna and the next thing I knew a red streak hit me out of nowhere." Cap' said causing me chuckle. "You were caught robbing a diamond exchange." Flagg said while I look at Floyd with a smirk. "I was not." Boomerang said  innocently causing me to bust out laughing falling on the floor. Everybody looked at me as I was laughing and I calmed down. "Wow you got caught by Flash? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." I spoke while giggling. "And you a very bad liar." Floyd finished while helping me up from the floor.

" Well I didn't get caught by Batman Sheila." Cap' mocked me but I kept smirking at him. "Touché. At least I fought him and came out without any problems." My smirk grew while he stood there jaw dropped. I looked around and saw more people in orange jumpsuits as me. A man with tattoos on his Ave AMD a mutated man crocodile. "There are bombs in your necks small as a grain." Flagg said so the others touched their necks. Shrugging I yawn in boredom and cracking me neck. "There powerful as a hand grenade so if you try to escape you die." He says to everybody but looked at me Floyd. "U try to irritate or vex me you die." "Im know me as quiet vexing just forewarning you." Harley raises her hand in the air. "LADY SHUT UP!" Flagg shouts at her causing me to tense and clench my fist. Seeing the this Floyd grabs my hand and quickly squeezes it before letting me go. Calming down I let out a sigh and zoned out. "There is your shit. Wheels up in 10." Flagg demand while pointing to some boxes snapping me out of my boredom. "You need to work on your people skills. Ever heard of Phil Jackson?" Floyd said to Flagg as i look for my box. "Yeah." "He does the Gold Triangle. Study bitch." My oh so handsome boyfriend said making me snicker. Finally I found my box it was right next to Harley's. Opening my box i gasped and smile at it. My clothes where folded as my weapons were next to them. My black leather pants, red shirt, and jacket looked cleaned. Shrugging I stripped my clothes leaving on my bra and panties. Feeling I eyes on me i saw Floyd look at me in lust causing me to smirk at him and glared at everybody else. Throwing on my shirt I bend over getting my pants and someone let out a wolf whistle causing me to roll my eyes at them. Not noticing Floyd glare at Cap'. Finally dressed I grabbed my blades, stars, and guns attaching them to their proper places. I glanced in the box to find my locket given to me by mother. Sighing longing I was about to put it on when a hand grabs it gently and put it on me. Turning around to met by chocolate brown eyes belonging to my lover. Smiling in thanks I finished and stood next to Deadshot.Behold the voice of GOD. " Flagg held up a tablet as it turned on and the same lady that was there when we showed our abilities to. "For those who dont know me my name is Amanda Waller." The lady went on to said what we can and can not do. She also said we couldn't kill Flagg or we will regret it. "There is your pep talk." Flagg said while turning off the tablet. "Yeah compared to your shit she killed it." Floyd said making me smirk. "So what are we some kind of Suicide Squad." I spoke for the first time while standing next to Floyd.

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