6/1/17-Day 1

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A slow, steady drip of water ran down the window. It had been like that for at least two hours now, and yet the rain still failed to cease. Im not sure why this made me feel so down, I wasn't exactly going to frolic in the fucking fields, it wasn't like I was going to do anything outside my room to be quite honest. And yet with every drip, drip, drip I felt a little part of me fall with it. Sighing, I stood up from my bed and walked over to my desk 5 pieces of half done homework, 3 pieces not even started and a note from God knows how long ago telling me to get them done by last week. I guess an advantage of being homeschooled was the lack of deadlines and any actual work, only problem was being locked inside with a book of algebra and no friends. Take your pick.

Lunch. That was a thing I should be doing right? Not texting this cute girl I'd know for approximately 10 minutes. Oh well beggars can't be chooser, and heck, this was probably the closest thing I'd had to social interaction in at least a year. So far I knew she was from America, her favourite colour was green and she had only just replaced the Hannah Montana wallpaper she had since she was 5. But of course her name was still a mystery to me. I looked up from my phone, I could still hear the soft pitta-patta of rain on the window just now it was on the kitchen window. The kitchen wasn't exactly the friendlyist of places in my house, not that there were many, the cold white kitchen counters seemed to emit a chill and the expensive photo frames made the half hearted photos of me and my mother look tacky in comparison.

A reheated curry and 51 texts to the girl later (yes I'd been counting) and I now knew her name was Emily, she use to play the piano but now is trying to learn the trombone because "what else can you do to annoy your younger brother and still turn into a joke?" I'd also found I'd began fall for this girl I barely knew. I mean, even if we got to know each other more she'd most likely be straight and I'd feel like a fool for ever hoping. Or worse she wouldn't like at all me and would've just been putting up with texts as she felt bad for me... I almost laughed at how depressing my thought process was, but then remembered it was most likely true.

I'd just finished dinner and still it was raining. Would this shitty weather stop at nothing to make my day worse? By now I'd sent roughly 300 messages to Emily- I'd lost count at about 100- and found out she had two Guinea-pigs and use to dance but stopped ages ago. I was yet to find out the time difference between us but I guessed it must've been about 12:00 for her meaning she was texting me in school and we'd just met. For me this must've been the closed friend I'd ever had. I mean, God forbid any of my real life friends texted me during their school hours, apparently it's a 'no phone zone' but somehow photos are 'mysteriously' uploaded to their snapchat. My mind whirred off on a scenario where she was totally in love with me and couldn't concentrate on lessons as she was just waiting for her screen to light up with my reply. This time I actually laughed out loud. Even if she did like me why on earth would she not be able to concentrate because of it??

My bed was warm at least now. The rain had eased as I'd been putting my pyjamas on, old woolly leggings and a second hand grey nighty, my mother would have a heart attack knowing I wasn't wearing the high end, expensive pyjamas she had bought for me just last week. But they were freezing at this time of year and honest just downright uncomfy. I took out my phone and started to scroll back through our texts, some might say it was creepy, I think of it a way to remember everything, wondering if she would ever talk to me again after today. Oh well if she didn't I had today and that was pretty great!

I wish I can get to know Emily better.

Hi, I hoped you liked the first part of this! I'm honestly not sure when I'll add more but it'll be hopefully quite soon? Please say what you think as I am desperate for approval or just acknowledgement. And thank you for reading this!
Word count:767

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