But then, it felt as if the vampire crashed onto something and my body flew in the air from his hands! I was screaming like crazy! My eyes were tightly closed, because I was too scared to look! I thought I was going to die, but I didn't - I landed in someone's arms and when I opened my eyes, I saw Michael, covered with the blanket.

The vampires who were on our side had appeared too and then I realized that we crushed into one of them. They and Gilbert went on chasing the ones who tried to kill me and Michael carried me back to where our car was.

He placed me on the ground and when I looked at him, I noticed he didn't seem very well.

"Are you okay, Michael?" I asked concerned.
"How can you ask about me when you're the one who's not okay! Look at you, YN! You have scratches and blood all over your body!" his eyes kept starring at my wounds. Maybe it was my blood that interested him... "And I can't do anything to help you, because I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you too!" his voice was trembling.
"Michael, please..."
"This is all my fault!"
"No! It's none of your fault! I decided to go on this journey with you, knowing the risks that could come on the way! I said yes and this is my own decision! It's nobody's fault!" I placed my hand on his chest and tried to hold him, but
"No." he pushed me away "You have blood all over you! And it smells amazing! I won't be able to resist. Go wash yourself in the river.. Gilbert is going to help you when he returns." then he got in the car and I saw him place a towel over his face. I guessed it was to prevent the smell from coming to him.

I went to the river and did as he said. I heard then Gilbert and the other 2 vampires approaching.

"What happened?" I asked them eagerly.
"We took care of everything, don't worry, YN." Gilbert replied. "Where is the count?"
"He got in the car, because of my blood..." then I looked at the other vampires, who were staring at me without blinking. They looked.... thirsty.
"Okay, guys, you go to the car too! The air around here is not for vampires!" Gilbert said and he meant my blood.

Afterwards, he helped me with my wounds and placed leaves over them, which according to him, were going to help heal my wound faster and also prevent the scent of my blood spreading in the air and distracting the vampires.

We got into the car after we were done at the river and drove off to our destination. Michael remained silent through out the whole ride, until the next stop. He looked buried deep into his thoughts and I didn't want to ask him what was on his mind, because he already looked very sad and angry.

When we stopped for the second time, which was during the night, Michael called me, Gilbert and the 2 vampires to talk. I wondered what it was about?

"So.. seems like my children won't leave us alone and will try to kill us at every chance possible.." he said.
"I agree, count. I even believe it's going to get worse once we've entered Hungary and Romania." Gilbert sighed.
"This is true!" the vampire begun "They'll become more vicious to stop us, the closest we get to the castle. I think we should come up with something, because if they outnumber us, we might manage to save ourselves, but..." he looked at me "the girl is another story."
"Don't even think about that!" Michael raised his voice in anger "Don't even say it!"
"Count, I know you hate the idea of her being dead, but.. I think they are right! If we don't do something now..."
"I know!" he cut him off "And I've been thinking about it for hours. I have a plan." I looked at Michael with curious eyes, because I knew that his plans were always good.
"YN," he turned to me with a soft voice "do you trust me?"
"Of course I do!"
"Even if I suggest something crazy?"
"Yes, Michael! I'll do anything you say!"
"Tell us, count! What should we do?" he cleared his throat and begun
"The only way to save YN is to not have her with us."
"What?" we all said together.
"As long as she's with us, she's in danger. We have to travel separately."

My jaw dropped. Travel separately? But how? I couldn't do it! I couldn't take care of myself.. what if they attacked me? What if I got lost? I didn't wanna be away from Michael!

"Count, do you realize the danger?"
"Listen until the end." Michael said. "We'll replace YN with a doll that looks like a human. We'll place her clothes on the doll, so that it would smell like her. No one would realize it's not really YN as long as it has YN's smell. Then, we're going to make sure that your body, YN, doesn't produce your scent and thus, you'll be able to get to the countess' castle and meet us there." I didn't know what to think of this plan, but if Michael says it will work, then I'll do it.
"Sounds good, father, but.. how exactly do you plan on doing this?"
"YN, I will ask you to do something crazy?" he was looking into my eyes "I know it's too much, but... "
"What it is?" I asked.
"You'll have to take your clothes of first, then we're going to wrap your body around a wet sheet, put it in a coffin filled with dirt. This way your body won't have a scent, because the dirt will absorb it."

Like what...?

"But there is more.." he said "Since you'll be travelling for a few days, you need to be sleeping deeply like the dead. This way, shall any vampire get suspicious, they will never be able to sense that there is something with a pulse or scent in the coffin. For this, you'll need to drink from... my blood." drink blood? How was I gonna do that? "And... we need to put some of your blood on the doll so that your scent will remain there until Romania."

Everybody looked at Michael.

His eyes were watery and his voice was shaking a little... I could see his pain and that he didn't want me to do this, but there was no other option.

"I'll do it!" I said and everybody looked at me now.

Wait for the next chapter because in it you're finally gonna arrive at the castle and the fun is gonna begin!!!!

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