Costume Fitting (1)

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Syrus hated his costume.

"I flat-out refuse to wear a diaper and plastic wings in a professional play."

"Speak for yourself," commented the other blue-haired duelist in the room, "I at least still have some form of dignity!" He laughed as Sy punched him and yelled, "JESSE!"

"Why the hell am I wearing this? I look like a German soldier!" Chazz screamed.

Aly hung off his shoulder, wearing a flouncy pink dress with matching slippers. "Because you are a German soldier, Chazz."

"I still don't like it!"

"At least you get to have your hair uncovered," Dorothy said as she straightened her habit.


"Zane, look how my costume twirls!" Blair exclaimed.

Zane nodded, focusing only on the dirty blonde haired girl as she spun in place in a delicate green dress and apron. "You look beautiful, Jackie."

JJ hung off Zane's arm, giggling like mad. "You look like a handsome war captain."

Aly sweatdropped as Chazz practiced the spin in the song. It went something like this- Chaz had to spin Aly around, then crouch on a knee and Aly had to end up sitting on his leg. Jaden hated the move, but it transitioned into Rolf's kiss for Lisel, and Dorothy wanted it dramatic.

Meanwhile, Jaden was taking countless pictures of Jesse, who was arguing with Dorothy over whether or not he would wear a suit (he wanted to wear something more causal so he wouldn't get swarmed by fangirls). Alexis and Atticus were making fun of each other's costumes, Atticus calling his sister an "old lady" and teasing her, asking if she needed a cane.

Finally, they were ready to preform their first scene in costume- one that everyone was in- the final scene with Climb Every Mountain.

Dorothy climbed into the small chapel set and began her song. Chazz took his spot with the other German soldiers, watching the Von Trapps climb up the fake mountain. JJ wrapped her arm around Zane's shoulders, and he smiled down at her. Aly picked Blair up and put her on her shoulders. Atticus stuck his tongue out at Lex, who was on the other side of the stage with Jesse and Yugi.

The Von Trapps put their arms around each other, smiled out at the audience, and the curtain fell.

"YEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Atticus shouted from the back of the stage.

"Atticus, it was perfect till you wrecked it," came Aly's voice.

"This uniform is too tight!" Chazz complained.

"Oh, now you tell us!" Aly exclaimed.

"Seriously, I'm giving myself a wedgie!"

"TMI, yo," Jaden's voice called.


"Yeah you do!" JJ called.

Dorothy sighed. "All right, Chazz get your new costume from the rack, then we'll move on the the Von Trapp party scene."

Atticus laughed. "Isn't that the scene where we sing the song where I tripped?"

Aly snickered. "Yeah."

Everyone took their places, and Aly started out her bit, dancing alone. Atticus, as Fredrich, danced with her a bit before JJ came in and danced with him a bit, then Zane stole JJ and danced and oh cuteness alert.

Aly burst out laughing when the scene was over because Atticus had tripped on his exit, but everyone got over it (except the girl who easily dies of laughter aka Aly). Chazz and Jaden had to carry her out she was laughing so hard. 

All in all, it was a successful practice.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Musical!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz