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Got tagged again by two people this time, Aramyst87 and Reaper8439979 . This one is about 5 things you hate/ Like about school. ( probably only going to be hate) Let's get going.

1. Dumb Ass Students (sorry for my potty mouth)

But the students in my class are just Ahhhhh. They are so racist, inappropriate, and just down right annoying. It took them (not including me and the smart kids in our class) to do a lesson on circles for a month.

2. Language Everyday

I know we need language and I shouldn't be complaining about it but I just suck at language. I don't know why, I can't really write stories off the top of my head and I just can't think of things off the top of my head.

3. The 'Pretty Princesses' and The 'Bad' Boys

Once again going back to students but now I'm talking about the 'popular' students in our class. They make fun of depression and disabled students. They are all homophobic and hate gays. AHHHHHHHH, they make me want to rip out my hair.

4. Teachers ( History Teacher)

I love most of the teachers at our school like my home room teacher. But there's this other teacher and he teaches us History. First off he gets mad at you for making one noise, he once slammed a book on someone's table because they were to him 'sleeping' when they were just having there head down and finally he just makes us take notes and nothing else. And I hate writing notes.

5. Uniforms

Our school has uniforms and I hate them. Our school is public so why do we need uniforms, I would like to wear my dark clothing please. We wear uniforms because our parents picked the idea and think it's better for the students. Why?

Well that's all of them, I'm going to tags some people, only like 4 or 5 because I don't have many friends. * cries in corner*


( those are all my friends, I know sad..... I do have Koma and Reaper but they were already tagged and they tagged me)


- Adrianna~

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