Raglak left from their

Next day the newspapers and social media were flooded with VivShre pics and praises...

Next 2 months were the most hectic months of SwaSan's life... Swara had to go along with the team to promote the songs of the movie whereas sanskar had to shift all the karma work from mumbai to kolkata... It was somewhat a relief to him that ram and uttara were handling kolkata karma set up.. Maheshwari indutries was closed but sanskar being sanskar didnt let their employees life ruined... He didnt hired new people fr kolkata branch but gave all the maheshwari employees job in his company on the same post they were previously in.... RamTa were proud of him... And sujata being sujata never left an opportunity to show off her DIL fandom that she was a singing sensation now 😂😂😂😂 everything was falling back into place slowly... Dida already left for kolkata and swasan had to leave after 3 days... Right now swara was sitting in her flat sadly waiting for sanskar

Swara: where is he... Its been months we talked properly and from last one week he is not even taking my calls... He is busy in shifting.. And i was roaming all over india to promote the film but whoa... Finally i m free today... I m sooooo happy.. We r going back to kolkata in 3 days.. Even NikhDita are also joining us and will live with us only.. Oh god.. I m so excited to meet my family... But ye mere patidev kahan hain?(where is my darling hubby?)   Isn't he missing me or wat.. Huh.. Let him come home today... Firstly he doesn't takes my call and den texts me saying he will b home soon nd now he is late.. Arghhhh.. Sanskaaar.. Where r u my baby..

Just then the door bell rang.. Swara excitedly opened the door but to her disappointment it was not sanskar but a delivery boy who gave her a packet.. Swara took it confusedly and opened it.... It was a white silk strapless frock with red floral patterns on it... There was a letter inside.. Swara read it and immediately a smile appeared on her face..

Dear Darling, 
              I know last few days hav been really pathetic for us.. So to compensate it be ready by 8 in this i want to make the last days at mumbai the most memorable days for us....

Sanskar 😘

Swara without wasting a minute got herself into the beautiful dress...open straight hairs with slight curls at the end,adorned her ears with red danglers and lips with her strawberry lip gloss, eyes were looking beautiful with the touch of black maskara and eyeliner and cheeks with slight red blush... Not forgetting her vermillion, mangalsutra and ss pendant...  Calling her an angel was totally an understatement... She finished her touch up just then she heard the horn of the car.. She picked up her white clutch and moved out...

There he was leaning on the car door waiting fr his princess looking smoking hot in red shirt and white suit... Swara was just lost in his charm while he was no less... Just mesmerised seeing apparently the most beautiful girl in the world infront of him... They slowly moved towards each other.. On coming close he held her by her waist and took her in a much needed bone crushing hug.. She responded equally... It was quite common in their relationship, from starting they faced such temporary separations and every time wen they unite,it felt like they fell in love all over again...

Sanskar placed a wet kiss on her neck and whispered

Sanskar(whispers) : i missed u so much.. After that incident i just cant afford to b away with u fr a single second.. 
Swara: i missed u too (still in hug)

Sanskar breaking the hug, pecked her cheeks and said my biwi is really looking beautiful (playfully)

Swara: and my patidev is looking hot as always (winks and both laugh)

Sanskar: come lets leave then..

Swara: where r we going?

Sanskar: surprise surprise but i m damn sure u will love it...

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