Chapter 1.❤

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"Haylee, are you ready?" My mom asks me and I stand up facing her. She can't wait for me to move out of the house, because now, now she and her new so called boyfriend (his a dick!) Can have their privacy. I'm also glad to move out, because I don't like him.

"Yeah, I'm ready to move out!" My mom and dad split up when I was fifteen. My dad loved my mom with his whole life, he did anything she told him, and he bought her everything her heart asked. But my mom cheated on my dad. She's such a bitch! But I still love my mom no matter what.

We walk out of the front door and I get in the car. I can't wait to finally be on my own, but sure, not alone, but with a roommate. I think that isn't so bad, well I guess not! I hope not!


We arrive at the apartment an I get out of the car, my mom opens the boot and I take my bags in my hand. "Aren't you coming?" I ask my mom.

"I must go and fetch Jimmy. Sorry baby girl."

"No, it's fine, I know he's your everything, so just don't worry about me, oh and mom.."


"Don't bother to come and visit, I don't want you here. You can stay with your so called love of your life!"

"Haylee don't talk to me that...."

"Go mom, your going to be late!" I cut her off and she drove off. I fucking hate it! Why? He's not her family, he's not her baby girl, I am! But fuck them!

I walk to the door and I open it up.. I catch the smell of smoke! Oh no, please no.. I can't live like this! Smoke, I hate smoke! I walk in and I see sigerrete butts laying on the floor. Fuck no! I see this guy sitting on the couch and my eyes widen. "You're a fucking dude!?" Nobody told me I'm going to live with a guy!

He turns his head and his eyes lock on mine. "No shit, what are you asking me? Do I look like a girl?" He replied. No smile, nothing! Just that sigerette in his mouth! "What the fuck is wrong with you, just standing there staring at me? Make yourself at home sweetheart."

"Don't call me that ever again okay. I hate smoke, and I don't think I'm going to stay a day here!"

"Well darling, deal with it. It's my apartment, not yours. So if you don't like it, then fuck off!" He said with anger in his voice.

"Where's my room?" I ask, I don't want to stand here all day staring at him. I want to unpack and take a long warm shower!

"Second door to you right."

I walk to my room and I open the door. Holy fuck, no.. The room is painted dark green, and dark curtains. I have a queen size bed, thanks to that. I open the curtains and the window for fresh air. I put my bags on the bed and I start to unpack.


I get out of the shower and I fold my purple towel around my body. I open the bathroom door and I pause in my step. "What the fuck?" He said and I look at him.


"Where's your clothes?"

"In my room. What do you care?" He's eyes run down my body and up again. I see hunger in his eyes and i walk fast to my room and I shut the door. "You can stop staring now. I'm gone, so carry on. And I'm sorry, you must just deal with it, I like to walk around like this." I say.

"Well, don't do that ever again. I'm a guy, your a girl, you know how it gets when a guy sees a girl half naked! I'm just warning you!"

"Yeah I know." I replied and I hear footsteps walking away.

I dress and I pull my hair in a messy pony tale. I like a messy pony tale, because I think it looks hot on me. I open my door and walk to the living room. "Dude? Where are you?" I ask but no reply. "Hello, anyone here?" But still no reply. Well I guess I'm alone, thank you God. Now I can start to clean up.

I grab a broom and I start from the hall down to the kitchen. "Jeeze, does he know how to clean or not." It's a mess!

I take a buck and pour water into it, I take the mop and start form the hall again and stop in the kitchen. Looks better now that the floor is clean.

I stare at the bin and it's full, over full. I take out the black bag and I put it outside. I take a new one and put in in the pin. I take the bin to the living room and I pour the sigerette butts that is laying on the table into the bin. He's a mess, his house is a mess, everything is a mess!

I open the living room's curtains and the windows. I walk back to the kitchen and I tub in water into the sink. I wash the dishes and I hear the front door opening. "What the fuck?" I hear him blabbing in the living room.

"Like the new view?" I ask him and I see him entering the kitchen.

"What did you do?"

"I cleaned. Doesn't it smell nice, and looks nice?"

"I like it, you shouldn't have. The maid is coming in about an hour."

"Oh I didn't know. I'm sorry, just couldn't stand the mess, that's all. And I like to clean, it's my hobby."

"That's good. I'll call her and tell her she's off for the day."



So what did you guys think?
First chapter is always boring, but it'll get better, I promise.


Tuesday, 7 March 2017
1009 words..

Living with the BadBoy.❤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt