chapter 3

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Bella's pov

The nurse came in soon after and looked at my foot.

N:"I'm sorry Bella but you broke your ankle, which inevitably means you can't play football for a month."

Me and troy gasped simultaneously.

Troy:"but if she can't play football, that means she can't be our quarterback and she's the best quarterback we've ever had,there has to be some way."

N:"well if she can't walk for the first week,how do you  expect her to get tackled and not get worse."

Troy sighed and took my hand. He looked at my ankle, then at me.

Troy:"I'm so sorry Bella"

Bella:"it's okay" i said my voice still weak from crying.

Troy:"no it's not, I know how much you love football and now, you can't even play" he said worry in his eyes.

I looked at him and hugged him tight, then we pulled back, looked deep into each others eyes and slowly leaned in. Then,


We let go of each other and awkwardly fidget. The nurse rolled her eyes and smiled.

N:"you guys are so cute together"

We blushed and smiled, she smiled and gave us two passes since we were late for Spanish class.

Before we left she handed me some crutches. We left, it was kind of hard walking with crutches but I got the hang of it. As we walked I noticed Troy staring at me, I blushed.

Bella:"why are you staring at me like that?"

Troy:"because your beautiful" (A/N I swear if you don't get this reference we cannot be friends)

Bella:"thanks" I was blushing so hard by the time we got to the classroom.

We got in class and awkwardly gave the passes to the teacher. I sat at the back and troy sat next to me. He passed me a note and smiled.

Meet me by the bleachers at lunch time. We need to talk ;)

I read the note and smiled, I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and the rest of the lesson played attention to the teacher.

Lunch time came and pepper and Sophie came to my locker.


Bella:"I broke my ankle and I can't play football for a month"

Sophie:"But you're the quarter back!"

I just shrugged and said "Troy will just have to fill in for me in the mean time I guess"

They shrugged and I said bye to them, walking as fast as I can on crutches while trying not to fall.

I got to the bleachers and immidietly spotted troy who ran to me. Once he got close he hugged me and took my crutches helping me sit down.

Once I was settled he looked at me and began.

Troy:"well I guess it's time to come clean" I looked at him confused as he continued. "I am in love with you" I looked at him wide eyed blushing.

Bella:"I'm in love with you too"

He smiled and squared going down to my height and placed his arms around my waist. I blushed and put my arms around his neck. He leaned in and closed his eyes as I did the same, and then we kissed.

I'm not going to lie, it was absolutely perfect. Sparks and all. Now I'm not going to go into details because that is cliché asf, so just know that it was the best thing to happen to me.

We pulled away and I stared into his eyes,wishing that this moment could last forever, but it couldn't.

Troy:"so what do we do now?" He paused "I mean we don't know how the guys will react and if we break up it could be really bad for the team"

Bella:"if we break up? Does this mean I'm your girlfriend now?"

He winked and said "what do you think"

I blushed.

Bella:"maybe we should keep us a secret,at least for a while you know until we're sure that they won't freak out on us."

He nodded.

"We should get going" I said and he nodded. He helped me up,gave me my crutches,gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

I smiled to myself as I went to go find Sophie and Pepper.

I sat down at the table next to Sophie and Pepper- who was acting extremely cheerful.

Pepper:"guys guess what"


Pepper:"me and Sawyer had a moment!" She said smiling widely.


A/N  Heyy guys, long time no updates.

First of I'd like to say I'm really sorry for not updating, there's been a lot on my plate and I haven't had the time. I also haven't had the ideas so :/

I will try to update the vacation this week, next week at the latest.

Also tomorrow I have my last two exams then a easter concert after in a few days, then of course closing day.

After that I'm on holiday all through April and part of May and I'll be going back on Mayso hopefully there will be a lot of updates.

Anyway bye my unicorns ❤

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