chapter 1

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Bella's pov

The alarm clock buzzed waking me up from my dream. Ugh can't a girl get some sleep around here. I lazily got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and ran downstairs to get breakfast. "Morning mom" I greeted my mother. "Good morning bella". I smiled and took my breakfast. Which considers of two poptarts and some milk. I are quickly and went upstairs. I brushed my teeth and my hair and put on some lip gloss grabbed my backpack and my phone and ran downstairs and out the door managing a quick "bye mom love you" to my mom before rushing out of the door not wanting to be late.

I got into school right on time and went to my locker to grab my books for the day. Sophie and pepper came soon after.

Bella: "hey guys!" I said smiling at them.

Sophie:"hey Bella"

Pepper just waved at me groggily because she is not a morning person. I grabbed my physics book and textbook and rushed to the science lab. I went in and saw Troy who smiled at me. I smiled back and went to go sit next to him.

Troy's pov

Bella walked in looking as beautiful as ever. I smiled at her when she saw me. She smiled back (beautifully I might add) and came and sat next to me.
Wow she Is so beautiful! Like honestly Aphrodite would be jealous of her.

Bella:"hey troy" she said smiling. Wow that smile.

Troy:"hey bella" I said pausing for a bit, but then continuing "are you exited for the upcoming game?"

Bella:"totally and I think we're gonna win we've been practicing so hard" she said with totall excitement. Your so adorable, I love it! And you I love you more than you can ever imagine. Too bad you'll never think of me that way.

I smile at her but then the teacher just had to walk in ruining the moment.

"Good morning class, today we are going to be learning about..." I stopped listening after that, I couldn't my mind was stuck on Bella.

Bella's pov

Finally the class is over! I thought it would never end! I look over at troy who was looking at me, but he turned away blushing when I noticed. I shrugged it off and said a quick goodbye to him. I went to my locker and grabbed my Spanish book. This is going to be a loooooong day. I thought to myself.

The best part of the day finally came! Football practice! I walked into the locker room and everyone greeted me. I smiled and went over to change. I got out of my locker compartment thingy and called a huddle up.

I put my arm around troy and I felt tingles everywhere, I've never felt anything like it. We talked through the huddle and when it was time to let go, I really didn't want him to let go. But he had to, unfortunately.

During practice I couldn't stop staring at troy. I don't know why. Sometimes our eyes would meet and we'd both look away blushing. Oh no! do I like troy? Nah there's no way, there's probably something wrong with me! I mean why would I like troy?

Troy's pov

During practice I would look over at Bella and our eyes would meet. There would be butterflies in my stomach and we'd both blush and look away. Could she like me? No way .... it's not possible. She couldn't.

After school I went home did my homework,ate dinner, showered said a quick goodnight to my mom and brother and got into bed. I got my phone set my alarm and called Bella.

Troy:"hey bella"

Bella:"hey troy"

Troy:" I just called to say good night" and to hear your beautiful voice

Bella:"well goodnight troy"

Troy:"goodnight, sweet dreams" I love you

Bella:"you too" she said and hang up.

I fell asleep smiling and started dreaming of Bella and what we would be if she just loved me back. But I guess something's just aren't meant to be.


A/N heyyyyyyy guess you didn't expect me to bring this story back but I did 😜

Sorry I haven't updated the vacation yet, I'm on some major writers block and I'm writing it little by little meaning when I get an idea I write it down and so far I haven't got any ideas. So it might be a while, but in the mean time I'll update this one as much as possible.

So anyway bye my unicorns ❤

I will never stop loving youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang