Chapter 2

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She awoke to Petri clawing at her light pink bedroom door. She got up out of her white and light pink covers and hesitantly walked over to her door. She felt like she was being watched, it's eyes piercing her back like bullets. After she closed her squeaky door she turned around suddenly and found nothing there.


She walked to her messy bed and sat down. She fished her phone out of the tiny crack between her bed and her wall. She got on and went onto Kik. Her friends messaged her asking where she was yesterday. None of her loving friends knew about the things her twisted father did to her skinny body. She looked down at her revealed stomach. "I should get dressed." She whispered softly to herself.

She opened her drawer slowly like she was expecting a snake to be in there. When she lifted her head slightly and she spotted a picture of her mother, "Too bad she's dead." Willow thought. She grabbed a black shirt and a black and white skirt. She put them on weakly she moved to her mirror slowly like she was slowly dying. The dotted skirt matched perfectly with her skinny frame. She adjusted her skirt and picked up her bag, she stumbled down the old, and weary stairs. She smiled lightly at her father that was at the table in the kitchen. Between hot, steamy coffee sips he asked "How did you sleep?"
"I slept good.." She added to the starting conversation.
"What do you want to eat?" He asked sweetly.

"Did he really care about me?" She thought, as she walked to her bus stop. Other kids surrounding the worn red stop sign, she slowly blended into the swarm of teenagers. The old worn bus crawled down the hill to her swarm of teenagers. All of the teens crept up the buses' stairs.

After school she dragged her body weight up the hill she walked ever so carefully. She finally got to her haunting home, she knocked on the door lightly. Her dad flew down the stairs and opened the door to her tired eyes of defeat. She crawled up the stairs with her weak feet. She flooded her tiny bed with her dead weight. She closed her eyes, her makeup slowly wiped onto her neatly folded sheets.

She woke to her father's singing voice in the kitchen. She looked at her bright alarm clock, "10:04 p.m" it read in the brightest red she's ever seen. She slowly walked down the stairs after changing to her pjs. She was dressed in short shorts and a tight tank top, she was too tired to see what she put on. She stumbled down the screaming stairs, she leaned on the old rail. Her father dancing in the kitchen, she imagined her elegant mother dancing swiftly with his lonesome soul.

Tears poured out of her big eyes, her father's whole body turned to her. She collapsed onto the step she was on, she was defeated. Her mother's soul slowly blew away like lost wind. Her hair swept to her flooded eyes, her father rushed up to her on the stairs. He held her with his warm arms, she wept into them. He hugged her tightly like the stairs were trying to steal her away from her slowly.

"W-why did she leave?" She wept into her dad's arms.
"Baby, it wasn't her choice." She hushed her tears with his smooth voice. She slowly stopped flooding his arm with her wet tears.

He picked her up slowly, she helped him pick her up even though she didn't weight that much. He guided her slowly to a old sweetly colored stool that her own mother painted. He walked to the cabinet to grab more items for his concoction. She slowly put her weighed head on the table. They both spent the rest of the night in silence. 

She awoke in her father's bed, the sheets so soft on her tight tank top. Her father was nowhere in sight, she slowly got up. She rubbed her tired eyes, she yawned loudly. She walked down the hall to her room, she's never been so happy to see her own neat bed. She crawled into it like the bed was going to comfort her sorrow filled soul.

He came into her room with a scale, he placed it on her wooden floor lightly. He grabbed her arm. She knew what was going on, she stepped onto it. "89" read the scale, her father expression changed completely. He hugged her so tightly he almost crushed her bones. She knew what her reward was, she didn't want to be rewarded. He took his hands and occupied them with her clothes. Her clothes slowly fell to the floor, his clothes complimented hers on the floor.

He kissed her neck and slowly put her on her bed. He enjoyed it, he acted like she was an object. She looked up at her ceiling with tears in her eyes. She knew he wanted to make her happy, but he didn't know how to.

She was left in her twisted sheets with her glossed tears all on her face. He left to go to work, she slowly got out of bed to go to the bathroom. She was met with Petri waiting on the outside of her door, she knelt down to brush his rough but comforting fur. Petri stuffed his rough fur into her soft hands. She laughed at his silliness, she kissed his forehead as he closed his bright but also dark brown eyes.

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