First real date

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The more I think about it the more nervous I get. I'm going to be on a freaking red carpet for a freaking awards show with freaking famous people. Why is Brendon even bringing me? Does he just want some hot chick oh his side? Is he actually serious about dating me? Are we even dating? I'm so worried and I have so many questions.

    In four more day we are going to the awards show. But for tonight we are going on a date. Our first real date. I'm so excited. We've got together to hang out a couple times but nothing serious.

It's 2 now and I'm waiting for Mickey and Savannah to come over and help me get ready. Mickey probably isn't going to be much help but he's really just here for moral support, savannah will be the one actually helping.

After a couple minutes Mickey and Savannah are knocking on my door. "I'm freaking out guys" I say as I open the door. "First of all haven't you ever heard of closing the god damn door?" Savannah says causing us all to laugh. "Hahaha but seriously I need help. I'm so bad at make up I need you to do it for me" I say coming down from the laughing. She grabs my hand and drags me to the bathroom to start my make up.

       When she is finally done with my hair and makeup it's 5. Brendon is supposed to be here at 6. I walk out of the bathroom to show Mickey. "Look at my master piece Mickey" Savannah says while laughing. "It's beautiful" he says laughing also. "You think it looks okay?" I ask "yes you look amazing and that's not just the gay part of me talking. Straight me buried deep inside is coming out" he says laughing causing us all to laugh.

    That's the best thing about my friends. When I'm freaking out they make me laugh and I calm down. They are amazing.

     I go to my room and put on my dress and all that stuff then walk back out. This is what I have on

   "Damn" I hear Brendon saying when I walk out

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   "Damn" I hear Brendon saying when I walk out. He is wearing this.

    "When'd you get here?" I ask blushing

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    "When'd you get here?" I ask blushing. "Couple minutes, your friend Savannah let me in" he says nodding his head to Savannah. "Well I guess then we'll be leaving then, bye guys let yourselves out" I say grabbing Brendon's arm and starting to walk out the door. "Oh not that fast" Mickey says causing us to both turn around. "Since your father lives on pretty much the other side of the country I have to give this speech. I promised him when we left Ohio together for College that I would protect you" Mickey says. "Oh god" I say and Brendon chuckles a bit. "So, have her back by midnight or just tell me she's back by midnight because I'll be gone. Use protection. Don't get an STD or get knocked up. That about covers it" Mickey says all serious. "Wow Mickey. Just wow" I say laughing. "I will sir. Can we leave now?" Brendon asks jokingly "yes have fun" Savannah says laughing "but not to much fun" Mickey adds and we walk out the door.

    Brendon opens the car door for me then walks around to the drivers seat. "It's sweet how much your friends care about you" he say when he gets in. "They may be crazy but I love 'em like family" I say nodding. "Oh shit" I say realizing something. "What what's wrong?" Brendon ask worried. "Will there be pictures of the red carpet and stuff like online and stuff?" I ask starting to hyper ventilate. "Yeaahhh why?" Brendon asks confused. "My family is going to lose their shit. They are so over protective and I'm the only girl on my moms side and ugh. They are going to freak the fuck out because I'm with you and your like a famous person ugh" I say freaking out. "Babe look at me" he says turning to me looking me in the eyes and grabbing my hands. "It's okay. It doesn't matter what your parents think. Even if the think they hate me we can face time them one day and I'll bring out my inner goody two shoes" he says all serious. "Okay okay. Hopefully they won't care to much or like they just won't notice" I say. "It will be fine. Who cares what they think?" He says. "You're right. Who cares? I sure as hell don't" I say gaining my confidence. "Good" he says turning back to the road and holding my hand.

     After about 20 minutes of driving we pull into a very posh looking restaurant. It looks insanely fancy which makes me nervous. "Brendon why'd you bring me some place so fancy? I'm not fancy I can't do this" I say worried. "You will be fine. You are absolutely gorgeous. Who gives a fuck if you "aren't fancy enough"?" He says. I just take a deep breath and get out of his car.

    He takes my hand and we walk into the door. "Reservation?" The man asks at the front podium thing not looking up. "Yeah should be under Urie" Brendon says. "Oh yes Mr. Urie sir right this way" the man says realizing who Brendon is. We follow him to one of those circle booth in the back lit by fairy lights. We sit down next to each other. "Wow Brendon it's beautiful" I say "almost as beautiful as you" he says kissing me. I blush and we pull apart to look at the menu. "You're cute when you blush" he says causing me to blush more. "Brendon stop I'm turning bright red" I say giggling. "Sorry sorry" he says laughing.

     We end up both ordering some chicken thing with a really fancy name. "I have a question" I say "shoot" Brendon says. "What are we?" I ask nervously twirling my thumbs. "Well I was thinking we were boyfriend and girlfriend but we can be whatever you want to be baby" he says. I just hug him. That's the most appropriate response I could think of. And he hugs back. We sit there like that for a couple seconds then he pulls away.

     After dinner we walk back out to his car giggling about stupid things. "Well it's only 9 and I don't have to have you back until midnight so what do you want to do?" Brendon say laughing. "Um I don't know. Let's go drive down the coast with the windows down blasting some music and laughing like idiots at nothing and everything" I suggest. "Good plan" he says and we turn out of the parting lot headed toward the ocean. By the time we get there we decide not to stay in the car. Brendon parks and we get out to walk along the beach. It's kinda chilly with the ocean breeze blowing. I stupidly left my jacket in the car along with my heels. No way I was walking in the beach in heels.

    "You cold?" Brendon asks "a little yeah. The wind is kinda chilly" I say shivering a bit. He takes off his leather jacket and hands it to me. I put it on and it smells like him. Smells like cinnamon and man. Don't even ask what man smells like. It's to hard to explain.

   We just lay down on the sand looking up at the stars cuddled in each other's arms listening to music for hours. It's wonderful. I think I'm falling in love with him. I start to doze off but then I feel Brendon picking me up and carrying me like a baby and I wake up. "Where are you taking me?" I ask and cuddle into his chest. "Home. Where are your keys?" He asks. "Purse, in the car with my jacket and shoes" I say and start slipping back to sleep.

    I don't remember what happened next but eventually I feel Brendon lay me down on my bed and I wake up. "Stay with me?" I ask as he starts to walk out. "I don't know if I can resist you if I stay" he says with all that sexy confidence I love. "It's okay, Just lay down with me. I'm sure you can barrow some of mickeys clothes that he leaves here in the guest room" I say mostly awake now. Brendon goes down the hall to the guest room and comes back with grey sweat pants on and I have black leggings and a black sports bra on. "I was just going to sleep in my boxers but then I wouldn't be able to resist your sexy body. I don't want to do anything to night, just be together" he says. "Thank you, you're the best" I say.

     We lay down on my bed and spoon. Brendon is holding me with his arms around my waist and his face buried  into my neck. "You are amazing" Brendon mumbles as we starts drifting off to sleep. We fall asleep like that. Laying together.

Isn't this exactly where you'd like me? (A Brendon Urie smut)Where stories live. Discover now