Chapter 28: Volpina: Green with Envy

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Note: For this version, the timeline goes: Simon Says, Princess Fragrance, then Volpina.

"In today's news, Chat Noir successfully saved several brainwashed victims, including Prince Ali, from a recent akuma attack. He wasn't alone, however, a student from École Francoise-Dupont—"


A girl with long, brown hair and striking olive eyes scans her computer screen with somewhat of a glare. Not at her favorite superhero, but at the pig-tailed girl standing next to him.

Who is she?

She wouldn't have minded it being Ladybug of course, but this civilian who has no super-powers whatsoever, this civilian who's nothing special—she got to partner up with Chat Noir?

Having moved from Italy to Paris, Lila felt it necessary to do some research to know what she was getting into. That's when she stumbled upon the LadyBlog and Miraculous Chat, and it's no denying she instantly fell in love with Chat Noir.

Sure, he may be conceited and rude sometimes, but deep down, she knows he's good at heart. She knows it's just a defense mechanism so as to not make the civilians worry—being a kid who carries the weight of the whole country (or even world) on his shoulders, he must be tired.

Ladybug is all she's ever wanted to be. To be able to work with him and talk to him, Lila would give so much just to be a hero like her. She did feel undertones of envy every now and then, but it's never been as strong as now. From the way that girl interacted with Chat Noir, she must be pretty close to him.

She replays the Princess Fragrance news report one more time, casting a glance at the student registration paper on her desk.

École Francoise-Dupont. The next day, Lila's going to be in the same school as her. She's going to be walking down the same hallways, sit in the same classrooms, talking to the same classmates. Her lips curve into a smile when an idea comes to mind, and she unpauses the news report to continue watching.

"Just you wait," Lila says. When the camera focuses on the pig-tailed girl, she continues, "I'll be the one working alongside Chat Noir."

Who Needs Love?

Episode 26; 2.0

Season 01 Finale

Volpina: Green with Envy

Adrien enters the school grounds, noticing immediately the change in atmosphere. He can sense excitement in the air, but drops of envy as well. While walking towards the school's entrance, he overhears a bunch of her classmates talk about someone he isn't familiar with.

Who's Lila?

"Can you believe Lila knows Prince Ali?!" Rose exclaims excitedly to Juleka. "She even flew in his private jet with him!"

"Why did Jagged Stone write a song about Lila when he could've written it about me?!" Chloe growls as Sabrina attempts to calm her fuming "BFF" down.

Adrien sees Nino and Alya together amongst the crowd of people, the two of them watching something on the latter's phone, and he rushes over to them. "Hey, what did I miss? Who's Lila?" Adrien asks, and while keeping their eyes glued to the phone, Nino and Alya point off in the distance. Adrien follows their fingers and raises an eyebrow when he sees an unfamiliar girl screaming excitedly with Marinette.

"She's Lila? Where did she come from?" Adrien asks. To be completely truthful, he finds Lila really pretty. Chestnut brown hair, olive green eyes, tall stature; she's like a model, but to him, unmatched by Marinette's simple pigtails, ocean blue eyes and bright smile.

who needs love adrinette fanfic (not mine)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin