Chapter 27: Finale: Love and Hate (1 more part left)

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Who Needs Love?

Episode 27

Finale: Love and Hate

Adrien starts acting weird around her.

Marinette notices this the day after Volpina's appearance.

He usually greets her, "Good morning, klutz," whenever she enters the classroom, but now, he doesn't even look at her. She didn't mind it at first; it was just a morning greeting after all. But when he doesn't even say goodbye at the end of the day, she starts feeling a bit hurt.

She notices that he can talk to Nino and Alya just fine, but when it's just the two of them, he hardly says anything at all. Out of frustration, she even tried starting arguments with him, but he would just stay silent, and either just shrug or give her a small smile.

She didn't think much of it at first—she thought he was just having bad day, so she shrugged it off as unimportant. But after a whole week of being ignored, after a whole week without talking to him, she could slowly feel her heart breaking.

They left bad impressions on each other when he first transferred into the school, but after everything they've been through—Adrien's birthday, Valentine's Day, the video game competition and everything else—how could he just push her away?

"What's up with you and Adrien?" Alya asks. She and Marinette are at the park having a little picnic during lunchbreak because the sun's out and the weather is not too cold and not too hot. They didn't want to spend lunch indoors and waste such a beautiful day. "Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

Marinette is about to take a bite out of her sandwich, but she lowers her food and looks down sadly. "I'm not so sure myself," she answers. "I honestly don't know why he's acting this way."

"Really?" Alya asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Adrien wouldn't be acting this way for nothing. And he's not the type to hold a grudge either. You must've done something really bad to make him this angry."

"That's the problem—I didn't do anything," Marinette groans, throwing her hands up in the air. "I think. I just—I don't even know what I did to make him so angry. And whenever I ask him, he just ignores me."

Alya makes a thinking pose. "Actually, if you ask me... he doesn't really seem angry," she says. "He looks more... upset, sad, disappointed maybe?"

"You think so?" Marinette asks, sighing. She throws away her half-eaten sandwich, her appetite long gone by now. "Either way, I just want the old Adrien back."

Alya starts laughing all of a sudden, making Marinette blink in confusion. "I-I'm sorry," the scarlet-haired girl says in between wheezes. "It's just... You always said things like, 'I'd give anything for just a day without Adrien!', but now that you've have a week without him, you're upset."

"I never mean it when I say that..." Marinette says quietly, looking down. "Now I understand why people say be careful what you wish for..."

Alya places a comforting hand on Marinette's shoulder. "I'm sure things will go back to the way they were," she assures her. "Everything will be fine."

Marinette sighs.

"I hope so."

Adrien knows he shouldn't be acting this way, but it's just so hard to believe because Ladybug and Marinette are so different.

"You're just hurting her, you know," Plagg says, playing around with a slice of Camembert cheese. "I see the look on her face whenever you ignore her."

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