Chapter 27: Finale: Love and Hate (1 more part left)

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"I know, I just don't know what to do or say because..." Adrien sighs, running a hand through his hair. "She's Ladybug, Plagg. How am I supposed to react to this?"

"Just tell her," the black cat kwami says, swallowing the cheese whole. "The longer you postpone the truth, the more hurt she'll get."

"You're helpful for once," Adrien says, raising an eyebrow.

Plagg shrugs. "I don't like seeing you guys this way. The arguing's annoying, but the silence is unbearable," he says.

"You're right. I miss the fighting too," Adrien says, checking the time on the clock. "Only two more hours until patrol. I'll tell her everything tonight."

"Tonight?" Plagg asks, looking out the window to see raindrops hitting the glass. "But it's raining."

Adrien takes a glance at the black umbrella lying next to his bed.


It's raining late at night, but this doesn't stop Chat Noir and Ladybug from meeting up for patrol. Ladybug makes it to the highest iron platform of the tower, unsurprised to see her rival already there. He's sitting down with his legs dangling over the edge, looking down at the city of Paris.

"Good evening, Chat Noir," Ladybug greets, walking over to him. She doesn't take a seat next to him because they're going to be racing around the city anyway. "Ready?"

Chat Noir remains silent, and he doesn't look up at her or insult her or make a pun like he normally would do. Ladybug frowns at his actions—he's acting a lot like Adrien. She doesn't need another important person in her life ignoring her.

While Adrien keeps her life eventful and fun in her civilian life, Chat Noir does the same in her superhero one. She's already lost one, and she doesn't want to lose the other.

"Ladybug," Chat Noir suddenly says, and this makes a smile appear on Ladybug's face. "There's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" Ladybug asks. Chat Noir gets up from his seat and stands in front of her, his ears drooped and his expression unreadable.

"I'm sorry," Chat Noir says quietly.

Ladybug blinks. "Sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?" she asks in confusion. "You didn't do anything wrong?"

"It took me so long to figure it out," Chat Noir says, looking down. Ladybug notices that strapped next to his staff is a black foldable umbrella. They're both getting soaked right now—she wonders why he didn't take it out to shield them from the rain. "And when I put the pieces together, I just couldn't face you. I'm so sorry for avoiding you all week, I just didn't know how to react to all this."

"Chat, what are you talking about?" Ladybug asks. "You haven't been avoiding me? We met up for patrol all week. You showed up every day. You wouldn't have if you were avoiding me."

Chat Noir sighs. "Not only are you clumsy, but you're pretty oblivious too, aren't you, Marinette?"

"Hey, how am I supposed to—" Ladybug's eyes widen. She whispers, "What did you call me?"

"Marinette," Chat Noir repeats, and he looks up to see her shocked expression. "I'm sorry. I know we agreed not to let each other know about our secret identities, but it just... happened."

"Who..." Ladybug begins almost inaudibly sue to the heavy pouring of the rain. "Who are you?"

Chat Noir unstraps the black umbrella from his belt and opens it up. He holds it over his head for a second before holding it out for Ladybug to take.

who needs love adrinette fanfic (not mine)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora