"What happens if it does?"


Meri's face started to show worry. At this, Atem smiled kindly.

"Don't worry," he said, smiling at her once more to reassure her. "I'll be gone and mummified before I let that happen."

Meri felt warm inside, and smiled back at him. "Without a doubt, my Pharaoh."

Atem chuckled. "Now let's get you back to your room."

Meri honestly wanted to spend more time at the pools, but there was no way she'd deny a request from the Pharaoh himself. Besides, there was never any harm in walking with a person you're fond of.

The two of them walked through the halls. Atem told Meri some of the stories painted in the heiroglyphs, all of which amazed Meri in the sweetest and most innocent way. Every time she smiled or depicted awe, Atem would smile softly at her without the young princess noticing. 

She was just so lovely...

Finally they arrived at the door of her room. Meri looked up at Atem kindly, and still felt her heartbeat a bit accelerated. She felt butterflies in her stomach every time he'd smile or even speak. 

The same could go for Atem, but the Pharaoh was much more subtle. Still, his feelings were there.

"Can I trust you not to sneak out again?" He asked her with a small smirk.

Meri chuckled. "Of course you can, my Pharaoh."

Atem chuckled back. "Alright. Have sweet dreams, Princess."

"Thank you," Meri blushed.

Atem then bowed and waited for Meri to be inside her bedroom to walk away. As he did, he had a small smile on his face. He'd never felt this way for anyone, but he liked the feeling he got when Meri was around. The first time he saw her, in the middle of a duel, she managed to momentarily break his concentration (luckily he could regain it easliy). Every time he talked to her, well... he felt so at ease.

He didn't even have to be a Pharaoh around her. He could just be Atem.

Atem chuckled, and went back to his own bedroom. As he closed the door, he remembered what he had told her about the duels. 

He was right. He couldn't allow that to happen. For the people of Egypt, for the world, for Meri, he couldn't.

And there was no way he would.


Princess Meri slept soundly that night. In her dreams she saw the pools again and Atem next to her, and it felt perfect. When she woke up, she had a small smile on her face. She placed her dress and her jewellry on, and when she was ready to walk out the door, she heard a knock on it.

She waited a few seconds. If it was her sister, she'd be announcing herself. But there were no words. She opened the door, and saw none other than the Pharaoh.

Her heart skipped a beat. "Pharaoh!"

"Good morning, Princess," Atem bowed slightly. "How did you spend the night?"

"Very comfortably, thank you," she replied sweetly.

"I'm glad," Atem still felt differently every time her lips curved. "Princess, would you mind accompanying me to the pools?"

This caught Meri off guard, but nontheless...

"Of course," she replied kindly. "What for?"

"You'll see," Atem replied. "Come."

Immortal (Pharaoh Atem/Yami Yugi) (xOC)Where stories live. Discover now