Dally and Darry

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Thanks again @SuperSammy01999

  Dally's P.O.V

      It was 3:46 when Darry came in the door and collapsed. "Darry,Darry wake up" I screamed with all the breath in my lungs. Johnny and Pony came running in and asked what was wrong.

    I was already balling without knowing what actually happened to Darry. I told them through my tears that he collapsed. I told Pony to call 911.

   They came a we all rode in the ambulance with him. We got to the hospital and they took him him to get a cat scan and then an x-ray. I kept pacing around the waitin room.

  They came back 3 hours later and told us he had tuberculosis and it was bad. They said it couldn't be cured.

    He only had 5 months to live. I cried my heart out. We were able to see him. We all walked in and he had a breathing tube on. " Hey, how are ya " I asked in hope for a response.

   He replied with a soft cracked " I'm ain't positive yet, man."

   Pony and Johnny were very upset especially pony.  It was one of the worst days of my life. We talked and talked until we were about of breath.

   It was 4 months later and I had been a nervous wreck. I was afraid about how long until he was gone, I spent almost every moment of every day with him. He had to stay in the hospital for the next 5 months.

  Darry was acting lots better and even moving around! It was his final month when it happened. We were watching Mickey with Two and the rest if the gang when his monitor went blank.

    I called the nurse and thank god it was only a mess up in the machine. We kept on watching Mickey and Darry asked the gang to go out for a little bit and I followed but he asked me to stay behind.

     He asked " How long do I have". It hit me by surprise. I didn't know what to tell him. I took a deep breath "1 month". I felt bad for telling him.

We sat there in silence for a long time. We talked about the Rumble for a little bit and then we slept snuggled up to eachother.

When I woke up there was no noise. The machine stopped again, the nurse came and escorted me from the room. She later came out to tell us that he had died.

I ran out as fast as I could. I just now realized I never got to tell Darry I loved him. I ran to the DX and took out my anger on the gas tank.

The clerk came out an tried to shoot me. Of course he was an old man with bad aim. I ran and ran until I collapsed. I wanted to be with Darry so bad and the only way was to kill myself.

It took out the bottle of pills I stole from the hospital. I was about to take some when Johnny ran up to me and saw the pills.

"What are ya doin man" he shouted. And then he threw the pills on the floor and stepped on them."I have to be with Darry " I shouted in his face and started to break down.

He tried to calm me down and after awhile it worked. I called down and realized how good I had it compared to Johnny. I walked to the hospital and the gang was glad to see me.

We walked to Pony and Soda's house and we all slept anywhere possible. I hated that day.

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