4. The Sorting Ceremony

Start from the beginning

We reached the front of the hall. The cluster of first years, me included, stood directly in front of the teachers table.

"Can you wait along here please," Mrs McGonagall mumbled, a strict but friendly smile lining her lips.

She didn't really have to ask, as we were already patiently, but nervously waiting.

"Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." She stated, the hall listening quietly.

A large man, with a bristly, snow white, beard stood up from the table. His red robe flowed along him as he scanned the room, glasses dropping down his nose. I noticed that he had a golden cup sat in front of him, while the rest of the teachers had strictly silver, this was the first hint that he was royalty in these lands.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce." He began, clasping his hands together as he spoke.
"The first years, please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students." He finished his list of rules.

Just the name 'The Dark Forest' intrigued me. It shouldn't, but how could I not be interested when he made it sound so dangerous and menacing.

Our heads snapped back towards Mrs McGonagall as she began speaking.

"When I call your name, you shall come forth, I shall place the Sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." She spoke clearing her throat.

She pulled out a large, ripped scroll and began reading through the list of numerous names.

"Sophie Barlow." She ordered after a couple of names.

Sophie tensed up next to me, but she quickly exhaled and forced herself to calmly sit on the stool.

"Hmmm, oh... hmm. You seem to be easily fit into all houses which is very unusual... but I'd say the one for you is... Slytherin!" The hat yelled, finally deciding.

A table on the right, the Slytherins table all stood up, cheering and whistling as Sophie grinned excitedly. She skipped over to the table and flopped down, being greeted by the older students immediately.

"Draco Malfoy!" Mrs McGonagall ordered.

He snickered slightly, as if this whole thing was pointless. It wasn't. He sat down, the hat didn't even have to be fully placed on his head before it yelled.

"Slytherin!" It confirmed, again the table went up in cheers.

It seemed that every table would clap for each other, but Slytherin. They would only cheer for themselves.
After a couple of names, I was left with only a handful of students.

"Primrose Snape!" She called.

The room fell silent as I inhaled, stepping up slowly feeling the eyes of each individual pupil on me. They were all staring just because they knew my dad.
I sat down quickly, the hat softly covering my head as she placed it on.

"Hmmm, another rare situation. Like the young girl from earlier, you fit into each and every house. As brave as a Gryffindor, as loyal as a Hufflepuff, as creative as a Ravenclaw. However, determination, ambition and cleverness are your strongest traits. Slytherin it is!" The hat finally finished.

ELEGANTLY WASTED // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now