The Story of Love and Loss

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This is a story of love and loss, of friends and family, of truths and lies. Here is the story of a boy who dreamed big. A boy who wanted to accomplish great things.

You met him during school.

It was a Monday morning in the week of March. There was a little boy of the name of ???. He went to school that morning with a smile on his face like any oblivious 7th grader would.

He skipped to the playground with a huge grin on his face. He has just gotten the new 3DS and was ready to show it to his friends. He found his friends near the swings and called out to them.

"HEY TURD NUGGETS" said ???.

He yelled at them with a loud booming voice and while he skipped, the ground shook below him. Did I forget to mention that he's fat? Yes. He's fat. That may or may not be relevant to the story later on.

"What do you want White PaPi?" his friends said in unison.

White PaPi: I got the new 3DS!!!!

TURD NUGGETS: Naww fam. U lyin' leik always fata$$.

White PaPi was hurt. Not because of the insult but because he was having a mini heart attack. He was fine but it hurt.

White PaPi: No turds im tellin' da truths!!!!!!!

TURD NUGGETS: Show us then lil m8.

White PaPi was about to take out the device from his bag when the bell rang. This indicated that he was fat and ugly. Lol.

"RIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" The real bell rang.

It was time for 1st period. He had P.E. But it wasn't really physical exercise. All he did was hide in the bathroom and eat chips and cookies. Man... He's gonna die someday.

He waited in the bathroom till the bell rang for 2nd period.



He thought it was his fat bell because it was the first bell but in reality, he was in a coma and didn't actually hear the first one. But he didn't know.

He saw sitting in the bathroom waiting for the second bell. It never came. He started to get suspicious about why it wasn't ringing so he decided to investigate.

He went out the bathroom and out the gym into the main hallway. It was empty. He walked down the lonely road to find the place where the bells are rung. He started the search at about 9:35am.

He traveled across the land and searched far and wide. He couldn't find the bell so he gave up like the lazy person he is. He stopped the search at 9:35am.

He then heard another bell ring. (OML I'm watching a movie and this one guy said "My mother hits harder than you.") Back to the story. He heard a bell ring and got all confused. He then saw a herd of kids go out the doors in a rushing fashion.

White PaPi: Boi wut iz dis!?!?!

White Papi's 2nd Period Teacher: Hey m8!! Where wur u in Health m8!?!?

White PaPi: WOT M8!?!?! 2ND PERIOD ENDED!?!?!?!

It was snack time. He was really hungry. You went up to him.


Welp! He ate a child during snack. That child was you. He was sent home. He died later that afternoon from a fatal heart attack.

The End

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