Morning Together

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A/N This is a one-shot I wrote for MissCris' contest. As I was writting it I thought of ways I could make it longer and put in as part of the main story, so it might not stay a one-shot forever. Oh, and I had most of it typed out already but somehow ended up erasing it all. Stupid phone. So hopefully it will come out this time.


I move around the kitchen whistling while I cook breakfast for none other than... You guessed it! Matthias! 

Today is one of those rare days where he somehow managed to actually get a day off. I want to send him hom to Serena full with a hearty breakfast. Speaking of which, I should probably get him up soon. She doesn't need any more reason to worry about him. 

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take a huge swig from it before heading to the bedroom. He's sprawled out in his usual position on his back with the pillow over his head. 


"Uggg" he just ignore me and rolls over to his stomach. 

"Matthias!" I yank the pillow off his head and start attacking him with it. 

"Ahhh" he jumps up swatting the pillow away. " What was that for?" 

"You need to get up grumpy butt. I'm sure Serena worries about you enough as it is, no need to make her worry more." 

"Don't worry about Serena, this is our morning together." 

Those words make my heart jump, but I still can't help feeling bad for what we are doing. I mean they have a family together. 

"Well, you still need to get up. I made breakfast. There's grits and pancakes and bacon and...." 

"Okay, okay! I've got the point, I'm up" he laughingly interupts me.


I can't help but laugh at Nico, he's always so energetic. I must say though, he really outdid himself with breakfast. I dig through his cabnits looking for the honey. 

"Whay are you looking for Thias?" 

"The honey" I know I saw some... Ah ha! There it is. 

He raises an eyebrow at me. "What do you need honey for?" 

"My grits" 

"Ewww!" He makes the cutest faces. 

I smirk at him, "or I could think or soemthing better to use it for if you'd like?" 

"Matthias!" He chunks a piece of bacon at my face while laughing. "Let's just eat. Then after we eat we can take a bath together!" 

"Oh, really?" I ask him. 

"Not like that perevert! Just eat!" 

"What? It's not anything you haven't done before." God, I love it when he blushes.


Uggg! That man is going to be the death of me yet. He's so frustrating, but I can't help but love him. I'm sitting in the tub playing with my rubber ducky, waiting for him to join me. 

"Rubber Ducky! You're the one!" 


"Hmm?" I look up to see a very sexy, very naked Matthias stading in the doorway staring at me. The sight of him always takes my breathe away. That will never change. 

"Why do you still have a rubber ducky?" 

"Becuase they're awesome!" 

He just shakes his head and chuckles at me. "I love you, I really do." 

Is it enough, I think to myself. I don't say it though. I just sigh and tell him I love him too as he settles in behind me. 

"What a perfect way to end our morning together," he states. I must say I agree.

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