
1K 36 24

"[Name] of the [Last Name] clan! Stop right there!"

Despite the predicament you found yourself in, you couldn't resist rolling your eyes at the hunter's command.

'Oh, of course, Mr. Jounin, sir, let me just surrender myself to you right here. Would you like for me to gift-wrap myself for you as well?'

Honestly. What was the point of wasting their breath like that? You would think, that as elite shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Mist, they would have a bit more common sense.

'Like you're one to talk about common sense,' you scoffed inwardly as you leaped across the rooftops, trying to lose your pursuers, to absolutely no avail. You gritted your teeth in aggravation. Damn, these people just wouldn't quit!

But you had to admit, this was your own fault. You had no one to blame but yourself for the situation you found yourself in. You had been so stupid to stop for the day in a shinobi village. So irrevocably stupid. What kind of rogue, criminal shinobi made such a rookie error?!

In your own defense, though, you hadn't realized just how high your bounty had gotten. Sixty-two million ryo?! Where did your village scrape together that much cash?!

It had been about two years since you defected from your village, and when you had left, the village had been about as rich as dirt. Your village couldn't afford to pay for anything higher than a C-rank mission, and they didn't exactly have much they could tack onto a rogue ninja. At first, your bounty had amounted to little more than pennies compared with the other cash rewards in the book.

Not just that, but your village wasn't exactly well-known. In fact, it was only a recent development. A very recent development. Hell, they didn't even have an emblem yet. The few shinobi from your village just had blank forehead protectors. See, there were only very few trained shinobi that hailed from your birth village, yourself included. So there were very few missions that came into the village, meaning they had little chance to acquire more cash.

Beyond that, it wasn't as if you were a dangerous criminal. Yeah, you stole a little here and there, got into a few fights, took on sketchy jobs or missions offered to you by shady individuals, but a girl's gotta do whatever she can to survive, right? You were more of an annoyance than a hardened criminal.

All of these factors had practically guaranteed your safety for the past two years. Even if you had entered a shinobi village, no one ever bothered you. Either they didn't recognize you, or they decided you just weren't worth the time or the effort. And that was how things had stayed over the past couple of years.

Until just recently, that is. You hadn't been keeping up with your bingo book entry, and that was your own damn fault.

A few months ago, your bingo book entry had been updated. Your bounty had only recently jumped up drastically, and you had been so blissfully, so stupidly unaware... Well, up until a few hours ago, that is.


"Can I buy you a drink?"

You looked up, raising a brow at the inquiry, lowering your almost empty cup of sake from your lips.

The man who approached you was young- around your age, if you had to guess, maybe a year or two younger. He had the forehead protector of the Hidden Mist Village around his neck, clumsily tied in a poor knot in the back. Shaggy brown hair, deep brown eyes, a hopeful smile, one dimple on the left side of his mouth, and he was nervously running a hand through his hair as he awaited your response.

"Hm...Well, that depends," you said absently, casting your gaze around the near empty shop. There was only one or two other occupants inhabiting the shop booths, leisurely sipping sake or munching on dango or sweet bean paste or mochi or whatever else. Most of the seats were barren, so there was no need for him to approach your table had he been simply looking for a place to sit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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