Chapter Six

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I stepped timidly out on to the roof. She was gone. She was gone, and she wasn't coming back.

I had hardly heard from her since the incident. Her bed, her desk, her beautiful music - it had all changed location. She'd moved into her Mother's room and she hardly came out. I usually stayed in my room too, nowadays, but sometimes I came out just for the air and the smell and the minimal amount of talking or shouting or machinery. Just me and my memories.

Her old room was painted white. The colour of emptiness. The colour of a friend who had left, leaving the place around them cold and blank. I sometimes just stared at the door. Wishing it would open. My world was so lonely. I had a great friend's group who thought they were caring and nice but sometimes just ended up offending and hurting me. They teased me and laughed at me as I stayed quietly on my phone. They may as well have hated me.

I heard my Mother calling me, as dinner was ready. I took one last lengthy look at her old window. Then I walked away in despair.

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