Chapter Two♡

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I ran up the stairs following Nalah. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I knocked on the door.

Na Na what's wrong

She stayed quiet. All I could hear was a soft echo from the music downstairs and Nalah's cries.

Na Na please what's wrong

She still didn't answer so I stood outside of the door.

Is it because of the record deal?

The door opened.

Fine. Yes it is.

I'm coming back-

But that's not the point Liffy. Your gonna forget about me. And once you do come back your probably not gonna recognize me.

Na Na I'm not gonna forget about you. I don't care what happens.

But you don't know that.

I do know. But I don't know if you do.

I picked her up and pushed her against the door and kissed her. I held her against the door while holding her thighs while she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled back.

Now do you believe me?

Mmm, I'm not really sure of that

I laughed and kissed her again. We pulled apart and I put her down and started walking downstairs. We walked back to where everybody was.

You okay Nalah?


The girls that were in the kitchen were starting to look at her so she rolled her eyes. A few minutes she tapped my arm.

I'm going upstairs



I walked up to Khalif's room and plopped down on the bed. I turned the tv on and picked on something to watch. I eventually got hungry so I paused the tv and walked downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and got some chips and a water and walked back up to his room. Once I was done I threw the bag away in the bathroom since I didn't feel like walking downstairs I got under the cover and laid down.



I woke up on the couch with a pounding headache. I sighed and went back to sleep.


I woke up and heard it was quiet. I walked downstairs and seen a bunch of people laying all over the place. I looked around and seen Khalif laying on the couch covering his face. I walked back upstairs. About an hour later I heard noises coming from downstairs so I slowly walked down the stairs and stopped halfway. I seen Khalif at the door trying to get people out.

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