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This has been the most chaotic time I have ever been though. First my crush dissed me, then I got shot by a man that was half skeleton, half human, Then I wake up surrounded by some strangers and now they are telling me that I am one of them. And being one means that I’m a guardian.

A guardian is some one who keeps the balance between the human world that we live in now and the unknown world of mystical creatures.  A guardian is half human and half angel. Guardians also have their own special abilities. 

I sure as heck didn’t look like one. I never grew wings from my back. I never felt like I was this important. Blue lighting never shot out of my hands. I couldn’t believe them at all. 

“ Hey the man that shot you” Simon said “ Did you see his face?” I nodded. “ What did he look like?” 

They all looked at him and then he had realized I couldn’t talk because of that bullet. “ I’m sorry” Simon said. I nodded and smiled. He looked down and I could see disgust spread across his face. Then I had an idea. 

I walked over to the bed and grabbed my bag. Inside were my keys, cell phone, Ipod and a notepad I draw in. I wrote “ I can draw the face if you want?” and handed it to Aaron. 

“ Really you can do that?” He said looking up to me. I nodded.

“ Do what?” Simon and Kevin asked at the same time.

“ She can draw” Nicole said. 

“ Here” Aaron said passing me the note book. “ We won’t push you today in but if you want to we would really appreciate it. Well I have to go and finish up some work but the other will keep you company.” He said standing up and leaving the room. 

“ Well, actually can’t stay. I have some training to do.” She said as she walked out of the door.

I sat back on the bay window and started to the dark. Of course, drawing from memory is hard but it’s harder when there are two super hot guys in the same room. I tried to focus on my drawing but it was to hard. I couldn’t talk so I just had to deal with it. 

Soon enough I was done with just the out lining and I really wanted to take a shower or something. I wrote a note to Simon asking for a bathroom and he grabbed my hand. On the inside I blushed but in the outside I remained calm. 

“ Allow me” He said while bowing. I giggled and walked out of the door and he followed me. 

I walked in to a hallway filled with doors. It seemed like the hallway never ended. Simon grabbed my hand again. 

“ Come on this way.” He pulled me until we got to a door that his name on it. I looked at him and he just smiled. 

“ Don’t worry” He said while opening the door “ I’m not going to try anything. You can use my bathroom. The other one is not so great” I raised my eyebrows in sarcasm. “ Right through that door” I still had the pen and paper asking for a bathroom in my hand so I wrote “I’m going to take a shower”.

I walked in and the bathroom and it was huge. There were two sinks on an marbled counter with a large mirror above it. I opened the shower and was about to turn on the water when there was a knock on the door.

“ Hey”  Simon said opening the door with his eyes closed “ Are you still dressed?” I walked up to him and tapped him on his nose. He opened his eyes and smiled.

“ Oh, well we have to get back to the other room.” I looked at him funny because we had just got here. “ The doctor is here and he’s going to help you get your voice back” I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom. 

Once we were back in the room and I was in the bed again, Simon and Kevin came backing the room. This time there was an unfamiliar person behind them. He was a man who looked he like he was in his late 60’s or so. His slicked back hair was a heather grey color and some strands were already turning white. He has small toughs of white hair on his chin and above his lips. His eyes were a smoky blue and eyebrows were bushy. He was wearing dress pants that had patches on the knees and a tweed jacket. Under the jacket he wore a button down shirt and brown suede suspenders. In one had  he had a brown leather briefcase in the other a newspaper. As he walked in the room, Simon found himself on the side of my bed. He dug his hand under the cover and started to play with my feet. I started to smile because I was ticklish and the pulled my feet away. In that instant I gave a little kick on his butt. He turned back at me and smiled.

“ So” the old man said while placing his briefcase and newspaper next to the table closest to my bed. “ You must be the one with no speech, right?” He voice was horse and deep. I could smell the peppermints and coffee as I nodded and pointed to my mouth then frowned. “ Well, I’ll fix that for you in no time. Oh and by the way I am Dr. Daniel Cornelius Ford but most people call me Daniel.”

I looked at Simon and he just nodded. If he trusted him then I guess I should too. Dr. Ford gestured me to turn over on my stomach. He touched the part of my neck I had been shot. I looked over to my side and I say him open up his briefcase. Inside there where so many tools and gadgets. I recognized some of them because my mom is a nurse but some of the others looked like they were from another world. He took out a magnifying glass and started to examine the back of my neck.

“ It is a miracle you survived” He said examining the scar.

“ Yeah, she’s lucky we got to her when we did.” Kevin said. 

“ Yes and she just might be the one we have been waiting for and that’s why she couldn’t leave this earth. Her work wasn’t finished yet” I wondered what he meant when he said that. I really never felt that important or unique to anyone before. The only time I ever felt like this is when I’m home and I’m the only oddball with jet black hair, green eyes and a caramel skin tone. Dr. Ford told me to turn back over and drink something out of a little red glass cup he handed to me. It was cold but there was smoke coming out of it. I looked at Simon again and he gestured me to drink it. So I closed my eyes and swished it back. The taste was vulgar. It was slimy and tart. I tried to cough it up but the doctor but his hands on my shoulder and pulled me down to the bed. I began to get dizzy and my sight was fuzzy. It was almost like I was under water and all you can see are shapes. 

“ I think it would be best if you guys left now. I can handle it from here. I yell if I need you” I heard Dr. Ford say and Simon and Kevin left. Then my eyes started to close and the last thing I heard was Dr. Ford saying “ Don’t worry you are in good hands.” The last sight I saw was the half man half skeleton piercing me with his eye and then,  



Sorry it's so short, but I'll be writing more and more I hope if high school would just give us some free time!  Vote, Fan, Comment <3  Love, Ink   

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2012 ⏰

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