¢нαρтєя ƒινє

Start from the beginning

" Oh....." I frown forgetting about the cute nickname I give him. " Oh," he mimics rolling his eyes annoyed. " Marcy, don't snap...it's impolite," I sass back, feeling quite amused by my answer. His face suddenly scrunched up in confusion until he let out a cute giggle from the corners of his mouth. " Oh...jeez....y-you h-h-had me there for a s-sec Lou," he laughed wiping the small fringes of his tears from the corners of his eyes. " Ha ha...yeah," I laugh, my teeth lying into a forced grudge. " You scared me," he sighed in relief faking a sweat release from the back of his hand. " Pay attention to the road now, don't want to get into an accident," I chuckle.

" I should be reminding you how to drive," he giggles poking my side stomach. " Yeah," I sigh in annoyance, hoping he didn't catch my body language.

Cheshire Comprehensive High School was engulfing the area, of where we were headed off to. Marcel parked the car at the side of the street, since Seniors were only allowed to park in the lot. Lucky bastards.

" Were here," Marcel smiles pulling out the key from the ignition of the car. " Okay," I mumble opening up the car door, while at it I grab my stuff, and Marcy does the same.

" There's Leeroy, Liam, and Daniella," I smile, finally happy after he terrible forceful stunt I had to pull this morning with Marcel. " Oh yeah, but I was thinking that we could meet them up during lunch," Marcel offers grabbing my head, intertwining our fingers together. My eyes roll in confusion, obviously doing to opposite of what I should be doing; listening to Marcy. " How about a no," I snap, rolling my eyes mentally inside of my brain. " What's up with your attitude?" He asks letting go of my hand, using body language to match his attitude. " Were not going to ditch our friends," I reply annoyed. " Fine," he huffs crossing his arms over his chest. " Fine," I mimic quietly under my breath.

" Payne twins....over here!" I yell waving my hands up in the air to receive their attention. Leeroy looks up first, with his outfit cute as ever. His pink headband covering his forehead, a pair of blue jean length shorts, with a pink t-shirt. " Nice outfit," I smirk, once I reach their apprentice. " Thanks mate," he gushes, showing off the scarlet colour on his cheeks. " Hey Li," I smile, nodding my head to Daniella who had her arms wrapped around Liam's waist. I smiled at the adorable couple who had childish smiles on his face, yet it didn't quite reach the eyes of Liam, and that led to suspicion.

" You alright Liam?" I ask concerned that my friend didn't look very happy next to his long term girlfriend. " Perfect," he smiled, yet I didn't believe him because it looked to forceful, yet I led it go....for now.

" Uh guys...I wanted to ask you something," Liam asks awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. " Yeah sure...what is it mate?" I ask nodding my head at Marcy who had an annoyed expression planted on his face. " Do you blokes know who Niall Horan is?" Liam asks, his eyes dreamy and twinkling at the mention of Niall. Okay, now I'm starting to get real suspicious. " Yeah, nice Irish blonde lad who is usually he loudest until he cafeteria," Leeroy answers cheekily.

" Yeah," Liam blushes twiddling with his fingers. " Well, what about him?" Daniella asks quirking an eyebrow in suspicion. " He asked me if he wanted to sit by us today at lunch, and I told him yes," he answered, his voice quite off the edge if you tell me.

" That's not a problem Liam, as long as you don't say yes to every person who asks if they could sit with us," Leeroy chuckles smiling at his nervous brother. " Sure," I answer quite suspiciously. " Thanks," he breathes in a sigh of relief. " Hey Li, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask raising my eyebrows in a puzzling manner. " S-sure," he rambles rolling me to a private area. I nod at Daniella and she lets him go, having no idea to what I was going to say to poor Liam.

" Spill," I order, once we get to a quieter place with less students. " Spill what?" He asks innocently backing off with the subject. " This Niall guy? Inviting him over? Annoyed by your long term girlfriend?" I ask. "Am I that noticeable?" He mumbles to himself. " Liam...are you-"

" No," he answers coldly. " I love Daniella, I'm straight, and I'm not a fag," he growls. My concerned expression turns into a pissed one. " Oh so your friends with a fag! Wow Liam! I expected more," I snapped, the edge of my voice cracking. " No, n-no Louis....I didn't mean it like that. Please, let me explain," he pleads. I sigh in annoyance, crossing my arms aggressively over my chest. " What!" I snap, glaring at him coldly.

" I-I...y-you caught me! Okay! Happy fucking now!" He shrieks, his crumpled body sinking into his knees. A sudden change of appearance changes into me and now I feel piteous for my best mate. " Oh Liam, why didn't you tell me about Niall, you know that I'd accept you no matter what," I answer feeling quite hurt that he didn't trust me at his keeping of secret. " Because I'm gay Louis, why would anyone like me!" He sobs wiping down his tears roughly the the palm of his hands. " Oh fuck no Liam, I would not let anyone hurt you," I answer. " But what about Daniella?" I ask. " What about her!" He spat.

" She's your girlfriend Liam. If she found out that you were using her, then she'd be terrified, and heart broken," I sigh rubbing small circles onto his back in a comforted way. " She's nothing to me! She was or is a fucking beard!" He grumbles in annoyance. " Oh..." I sigh.

" Do you promise not to tell anyone," he pouts, sniffling. " It's not my secret to tell Liam. It's yours and your boyfriends," I answer. " Thanks mate. You know I love you right?" He smiles. " Of coarse LiLi, what are best mates for," I smile. He nods his head. " Yeah, we better get going," he answers. " Before it gets to suspicious."

" Okay," I reply, helping him up from the cement. " Thanks," he breathes walking with me to the rest of the gang. " Where were you guys?" Leeroy shrieked, completely worried about his brother, who just shrugged like nothing happened. " I wanted to show him something about homework," I lie, while Liam shoots me a quick smile, to which I nod. " But you could of asked me," Marcel complains, obviously hurt that I asked Liam. " Sorry babe, you talk to much," I answer. [He really does talk a lot about useless crap!] " Oh," he mumbles.

" There's Harry!" Liam shouts, pointing at the beautiful curly lad that had a red beanie on his hair, some tight black jeans, a white shirt that showed his flexible muscles, and some short brown boots. His lips were tugged into a small smirk when he caught me taking a small glimpse at them, to whom he was the only that noticed. He shot me a small wink, to which I blushed uncontrollably to. The closer he walked the more rapid my heart became to beep. His arms were resting delicately on his sides, and face was even more beautiful than you could imagine. [Yes, I admit that I do sound cliche!]

" Hey Marcy! Liam....Lerroy....Daniella! Louis," his lips curved into a cute smile when he mentioned my name. " Oh hi Harold," Marcel replied snobbishly to. " Hey," Harry mumbled ignoring his brother completely, and turning his body so that it would face my direction. My heart beat was pumping faster and faster, and the palms of my hands were beginning to sweat. His green dancing eyes twinkled when he faced my direction. " Louis," he breathed into a smile. " Harry," I answered shooting him a nervous smile. Looking back at Marcel, to he was paying no attention to us, was talking with Daniella and Liam about something with Leeroy.

When no one was looking, he brushed his arm to mine in a sensual way, and he leaned in close to the nape of my neck, so that his hot minty breath could breathe on mine. " You look sexy," he smirked. My pink, tinted cheeks, turned into scarlet red when he whispered that comment. " T-thanks," I mumbled embarrassed. He quickly pulled back, shooting me a wink. " Harry, Louis, ready to go?" Liam asked shooting me a quick wink.

Was I that obvious?

" Of coarse," Harry smirked licking his lips in a seductive way, looking at me with green lustful eyes. " Yeah," I squeak. Making sure that I looked at his bum, Harry swayed his bum to the right, when no one looked. " Of coarse," I breathed completely embarrassed by his sudden change of mood. Flirty to cheeky was the other day, today was sexual and I was prepared to what the future may hold.

But one thing was held in my mind when I caught up to the group.

Nice ass Harry.


Wow! I made this chapter extra long for you guys since I haven't updated in some time. Sorry about that, I've been lazy if you see what I mean! Hahah! Thnx for the comments!:)


[[Goal]]~4 comments and lots of reads ;)

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