One day, many years ago, a baby girl was born to two perfect parents. They would have seemed that way at least to anyone else. The mother who had beautiful long golden locks trailing down her slim back and diamond blue eyes. She had grown up gracefully in France, living life perfectly in the eyes of society. Her father, a strong, handsome, and kind man with a steady career and a college degree.

They were two perfect people who had fallen in love and married; soon after giving birth to a baby girl. A baby girl who the adored couple and those in their lives assumed would be just as perfect.

A baby girl who they had planned to name Bèni. Blessed.

This was not to be.

After many hours of labor the beautiful mother had finally given birth to her baby, a small smile graced her smooth lips as she heard the child's small cry.

But her smile was soon washed away when her eyes met the child.

Dark black hair layed against her pale white skin of her small scrunched up face. Small inky black hands and arms flapped against the child's side. It was as if the child's arms from the elbow down had dark vines wrapped around the girls small limbs, giving them their dark and ghastly appearance.

The mother gasped at the child, looking at the medical staff in dismay. Asking them what was wrong with her baby, pleading for them to fix her child.

The father stared at the scene silently, unable to speak a word, or to even bring himself to look at his child. He couldn't believe that this was his child. There must be some mistake.

Later in the day after many tests had been run on the baby girl the perfect parents would be told that their child was completely healthy. That there was absolutely nothing wrong with her.

This news would have been a blessing to any other parents ears, but they couldn't see past the fact that their child was not perfect. Their child was not what the parents had wanted.

What would their families say? Their friends? How could they bring themselves to love such a child?

The perfect parents could not bring themselves to keep their child. After a few days in the hospital they decided to tell their friends and family that the baby had died during birth, saving them the shame from having such a ghastly child. A child they no longer would consider their own.

Before leaving the next day they were stopped by their doctor and told that they had no choice but to name their child.

They both pondered this for a moment before the perfect mother who was no longer a mother smiled softly to herself.

"Erroné." the perfect mother spoke, her slight accent showing. "flawed."

And with that the two perfect people left the hospital, now not as the perfect parents they had planned to be, and never returned again.

Erroné grew never knowing of her parents, living in a small girls orphanage far from the hospital where she had been born. From a young age, just as she had been treated from birth, she was cast aside and forgotten; unloved by all and thought to be nothing more than an ugly damaged child.

The girls life was lonely beyond comprehension having no one to love her but because of this, she soon learned how to occupy herself.

Although others had seen her as damaged and ugly, Erroné had the most beautiful mind of anyone in the world.

Her days were filled with stories of love crafted in her conscious. Of beautiful worlds where she was accepted and loved that only she could explore in her mind. She lived in her imagination and treated all who tormented her with kindness, unable to bring herselve to give others the same fate she had been dealt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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