Hanging out with the Marauders

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Hi I'm Sophie Carson. I'm in Gryffindoor house. I'm 15 going on 16 in a couple of days. My older brother is in Slytherin and his names jock. My little sister hasn't entered school yet but she will next year. I'm in my 6th year at hogwarts while my brothers in his seventh. I come from a long line of ravenclaws so my parents weren't to impressed when me and my brother both ended up in the wrong house. Me and my friend Stella have been in a prank war since year three with the marauders which contained; sirius black, James potter, Peter pettigrew  and Remus lupin. They are all complete jerks seriously. Me and Stella formed are own little group as well called; chaos girls. We pull the best pranks on the marauders.

Anyway enough about me to the story:

It had pretty much been the worst day of my life. It started off with the prank: I had woken up expecting a prank. But all was clear. I got up. Still all clear. I walked into the bathroom and turned the hot water on. Still all clear. I stepped in and washed my hair. Still all clear. I got out and got changed. Still everything was fine. I went up to the mirror and saw it.... my hair was... BLUE. I let out a scream and rub it frantically trying to get the color out.

Stella jumped out of the shower and rushed to my side, throwing a towel around herself. Then Stella screamed too when she found out her hair had been dyed purple. 

"Are you kidding me" she yelled ticked off. It might seem like a minor prank to you but to us its really bad the teachers will give out such a telling off.

"Ugh I hate those guys" I yelled "wait a second.... Stella check the shampoo bottles". She ran back to the shower and grabbed her own bottle. I squirted a bit onto my hand. Purple hair dye was mixed in.

 "I knew it" I said triumphantly. Stella rolled her eyes at me. 

 "Yeah, sophie, that sound great and all but... ARE HAIR IS STILL THE WRONG COLOUR".

 "Yeah, yeah I know stella take a chill pill" I replied turn in over the bottle in my hands. Stella recognizes the signs of my plotting and keeps silent (I always fiddle with anything I'm holding when I plot out pranks).

"I've got it!" I say excitedly. I explain the plan to her and a grin spreads over her face.


"Excuse me miss Carson" said the transfiguration teacher, Mrs welsh, "but I would prefer it if you focused on performing the spell and NOT passing notes". I blush furiously and tuck the piece of paper away in my pocket. 

"Sorry Mrs welsh" I mutter. "Thank you dear" she said turning around to sort out Amos diggory who had just turned felix flinch-fletchley into half a racon.

"Sorry Mrs welsh" said a high pitched insulting voice. I spun around, quick as lightning, to see sirius back and James potter holding hands sirius batting his eyelashes like mad. 

"You two getting married" I hiss. angrily. 

"No" said Potter insulted

"Do you think we should tell her" asked Black uncertainly

"But I thought we weren't ready to tell anyone yet" said Potter looking into Blacks brown eyes.

Black smirked and let out a muffled laugh before totally breaking character and laughing his head off.

 "Ugh! You useless actor" said Potter dramatically "your fired!" 

 "What!" gasped black insulted he stumbles backwards pretending to faint almost falling off his chair.

"No" he gasps "you can't do this to me, I have a wife and family-"

"I'm sorry old pal but it can't be helped" said Potter sadly "you broke character, and while we had an audience to" he indicated towards me and I roll my eyes and turn away "idiots".

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