my drug - 4:14 PM

204 21 4

unquenched desire

somehow fuels me until

the next second I get to experience the intimacy

of locking eyes with you!

however, it derails me - 

generates a whiplash within me

I cannot shake off.

it's undeniable; completely engulfing me

in the murky territory you are.

never quite sure if I truly have feelings or if

you're some kind of trophy I fancy for

my collection.

my heart beats for you

though not for love, lust is more like it

and it flows into my bloodstream


as winning your attention 

(or at least attempting to)

is tiresome yet exhilarating

one look leaves me on cloud 9

so the cold shoulder you're inflicting upon me

is draining me of the little life I hold

for my mania is not vanishing any time soon.

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