Entry 2: 2nd February 2014

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My restless sleep was filled with the drummer and his green bandana, and I woke up at 8 in the morning. I saw my art coursework on my desk waiting to be done, but decided to get some food before starting what would surely take hours. I went downstairs and got a cup of tea and some Special K and, as no one else was awake yet, walked back up to my room quietly. I grabbed my laptop from the floor and watched some of Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging before switching on my phone. There were a few messages from my friends, complaining about homework and upcoming tests, then I checked my Twitter feed. Practically before I knew what I was doing, I had searched for Tristan from The Vamps and had found his account. His latest tweet was from the early hours of this morning. ‘Great crowd tonight, thanks to the girl who gave my bandana back, assuming you got home OK then :) For some reason, I smiled as I read this, and decided to text him. I found his number in my jacket pocket and typed it in, then thought about what I was going to say. A few seconds later, I had decided to write ‘Hi Tristan, it’s the girl who gave back your bandana last night. Thanks for the offer of the lift, and we got home okay x’. I sent it and instantly regretted adding the ‘x’. Almost instantly, a reply came back, saying ‘No problem, glad you’re okay. My last name is Evans, by the way! If you think I’m a stranger, I don’t even know your first name! x’  I realised that what he was saying was true, and I immediately felt bad for having a go at him for being a stranger. ‘My name is Lydia Rose :) Sorry about yesterday… I’m going to start my art coursework to get it out of the way now x’ I opened my sketchbook and put my headphones in and started my music. An hour later and I had successfully drawn… A water droplet. It took me an hour, to draw a water droplet. I had been a good person and not checked my phone the whole time, so when I did, I had 10 messages from Tristan, getting hilariously worried towards the last one, which said ‘Lydia, I’m worried about you. CALL ME NOW.’ I had only spoken to this guy for the first time ever last night, and that was for about two minutes! However, I still felt that I should set his mind at rest, so I called him.
“Lydia? Are you okay?” He picked up quickly and sounded far too panicked and stressed for this time of the morning. I almost laughed but stopped myself quickly.
“I’m fine, Tristan. I don’t understand why you’re worried about me – you don’t know me!” I replied, then heard other voices in the background.
“Shut up, Brad! Sorry, Lydia, Brad’s being an idiot. I’m glad you’re okay, though. You just… disappeared for about an hour!” I heard someone say ’What happened to Tradley, Tris? I’m hurt!’ and thought to myself ‘Tradley? What the hell is that?’
“Sorry, Tristan, I was doing art – or as I like to call it, hell on earth.” He laughed and it made me smile slightly.
“Okay, as long as you weren’t being attacked or anything. I was just wondering if you and your sister want to come to the show again tonight.” I almost regretted texting him in the first place when I thought about sitting through another 2 hours of Taylor Swift. “It won’t be like last night, Lydia, because you’ll be backstage.” Oops. I may have said my thoughts out loud instead of keeping them to myself.
“Backstage? How?” At this point, Cassie came into my room without knocking and I glared at her.
“Get to the O2 for about 5. I’ll meet you outside. Hopefully see you then, Lydia.” I heard the phone click off and I threw it onto my bed.
“Who was that, Lyd?” Cassie asked in a sing-song voice. For a 10 year old she was surprisingly intuitive.
“Tristan, from The Vamps.” She squealed a bit when I said this and I rolled my eyes. “He’s asked if we want to go to see the show again tonight, from backstage.” She jumped on me suddenly and pushed me onto my bed. She ran to ask our parents and then, minutes later, sped back into my room excitedly.
“Theysaidyestheysaidyestheysaidyes!” The rest of the day, until about 4:30, was spent doing homework and getting ready. I put in more effort than yesterday, for reasons unbeknownst to me. By 4:25, we had left the house and were on the tube. Cassie was practically jumping up and down in her seat, and I have to admit my stomach was turning excited somersaults. By the time the clock on my phone had reached 4:58, we were standing outside the closed doors of the O2 and waiting for Tristan to come into view.
“Lydia? And… Lydia’s sister?” I heard his voice from behind us and the two of us spun around. Before I could pull her back, Cassie had run towards him and hugged him tightly.
“Tristan, this is my sister, Cassie.” He was being very sweet, hugging her back then walking towards me.
“Hi, Cassie.” He smiled, then she replied shyly. He led us inside, and I headed instinctively for the front doors, but he put his hand on my back and propelled me to the stage door. “Backstage, Lydia.” He laughed as we walked through the door.
“Lyd, I feel sick.” Cassie murmured to me and I reassured her as much as I could, then I saw the other four faces from last night.
“Everyone, this is Lydia and Cassie. Lydia, Cassie, this is Connor, James, Brad and Joe, our manager.” So I was right, he was the manager. They all seemed nice enough, but I still felt a bit scared of Joe. Cassie was eagerly chatting away to Connor and Brad while I talked to James and Tristan, who had told Cassie and me to call him Tris.
“I’ve just finished my soundcheck – I think it’s time for yours now.” The door opened and Taylor Swift came into the room. Cassie’s eyes widened in shock, and James’ smile brightened visibly. She noticed Cassie and me and smiled.
“Oh, Taylor, this is Lydia and Cassie.” James said enthusiastically. It was weird to hear her being referred to just as Taylor and not Taylor Swift.
“Wow, he’s really got it bad, hasn’t he?” I whispered to Tristan, who laughed loudly. Everyone looked at us strangely then Joe ordered the boys to go off for their soundcheck.
“Joe?” He turned to Cassie. “Can we go and watch?” He laughed at her question and I was scared he would say no.
“Of course you can! I’ll take you through.” We followed him to the side of the stage and watched the boys warming up and singing through their songs. Last night they had done Sweet Caroline, but tonight, it seemed, they were doing Cecelia, and I have to admit it was really good! During Last Night, Tristan looked like a mental machine, and it made me laugh a lot. As in, an unhealthy amount. James glanced at me from the stage and saw me doubled over with laughter… which led him to fall about laughing… which led Connor to start laughing… which led Brad to join in… and finally Tristan. It was like laughing dominoes, and my stomach hurt by the end of it. Joe had a bit of a rant at them not taking their work seriously or something, but I could tell that they didn’t really care and were trying to keep a straight face the whole time. About an hour later, the show was about to start and the boys were ready to go on stage.
“Good luck!” Cassie said excitedly as they stood by the side, preparing to sing – or, in Tristan’s case, drum.
“Yeah, good luck, guys!” I repeated and they all sped on stage. They repeated what they had done earlier, but without the laughing fits and with cheers and screams as a response. To be perfectly honest, I preferred the laughter, but there we go. At one point, James looked off stage and winked at Cassie and me, which made her giggle and blush like… well, like a 10 year old girl. Just after they came off stage and we had congratulated them, I heard my phone ringing from my pocket.
“Hello?” I said, not looking at the caller ID.
“Lydia? When do you think you’ll be getting back home?” It was our mum.
“Probably around the same time as last night, unless you want us back sooner.” I replied unwillingly to her question, predicting what she would say in response.
“Cassie has school tomorrow, remember, and you have college, so if you can get back by about 10 it would be good, love.” Typical mother answer.
“Okay, I’ll tell Cass. See you then, Mum.” I put the phone down and looked at the group. “Cassie, Mum says we have to go home in a bit.”
“Why?” She whined annoyingly.
“You have school in the morning, and there is this thing that people need called ‘sleep’, you know?” She sighed loudly as a reply.
“Do you really have to go before the show ends?” Tristan said, walking over to me. I nodded and Brad pouted melodramatically.
“Taylor’s coming on stage – let’s go and watch!” James ran to the side of the stage and we watched her performing – exactly the same as last night – until about 9:30, when I realised that Cassie and I had to leave. As Tristan walked outside with us, I remembered something I meant to ask him.
“Tris, what’s Tradley?” Cassie looked at me and Tristan started laughing loudly. “What?”
“Tradley is Brad and me – as in, our ship name…” He said between chuckles.
“Oh. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?” There was an awkward silence as we walked into the tube station, then a couple of girls came running over to Tristan.
“OH MY GOD! It’s Tris from The Vamps!” One of the screamed and they started taking photos.
“Is she your girlfriend, Tris?” Another said, looking at me. I started to disagree, but Tristan grabbed my hand and nodded.
“Just go along with it.” He whispered in my ear. I blushed at simple gesture and the girls finished getting their stuff signed and walked off.
“Okay, you can stop pretending now.” He was still holding my hand as we reached the ticket barrier, and secretly I didn’t want him to let go. “Tris, Cassie and I need to go!” He let go of my hand and hugged us both.
“I’ll call you, Lydia.” He said, then turned around and started walking back to the O2. Cassie and I got on the tube and went home. As we walked in the door, our parents sent Cassie to bed and started asking me questions about tonight.
“So, who is Tristan?” My dad asked.
“The drummer in The Vamps.” I replied simply. He then asked how I got his number and I told him what happened last night.
“Was the concert good?” Mum asked, and I nodded.
“I thought the reason you wanted us home was so we could sleep, not so you could ask loads of questions!” I said, after a few more questions about Tristan and the band.
“Lydia, don’t speak to us like that. If you’re tired, go to bed.” I went to my room and went straight to sleep.

AN: Longer entry now, I was thinking of doing it in two parts like the last one but I didn't really want to :) I hope you enjoyed this part of the story!
QOTD: Can We Dance or Wild Heart? 

Cicely x

Last Night - Tristan Evans/The Vamps fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now