Entry 4: 17th February 2014

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It was finally half term, and I had done most of my homework. Tristan had texted me about a week ago, asking me to come to a gig they were doing at a new club, and said I could bring some of my friends if I wanted. Of course, I said yes, and immediately invited Danni and Megan, and also my other friend Lucy, who didn't live anywhere near me, but we had known each other for years and saw each other most holidays. They were coming over in about half an hour, so I had a shower and washed my hair, then put on a sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms while I dried my hair. Once that was done, I put some music on and started curling the ends of my hair and my fringe.
"Hey, Lyd," I heard Cassie's voice behind me and I jumped, accidentally putting my hand on the hot ceramic plates.
"Jesus, Cassie! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I shouted, turning off my straighteners and spinning around to glare at her.
"I'm sorry! I didn't realise that you were getting ready... For what?" She asked quietly, looking slightly scared.
"I'm going out with Tristan and the girls tonight, Cass, and I really need to get ready, okay?" I sighed, finding a make up wipe and putting it over the burn on my hand, slightly cooling it down.
"Where are you going? Can I come?" She asked hopefully, and I shook my head.
"Definitely not, Cass. We're going out drinking, and that's not okay for you to do. Mum would actually kill me," I laughed slightly and opened my bedroom door, ushering her out. She rolled her eyes and walked out and I breathed a sigh of relief. I carried on getting ready until the doorbell rang, and I ran downstairs to open it.
"Lucy!" I shouted excitedly when I saw her, and we hugged each other happily.
"Lydia! I've missed you so much!" She said as I shut the door behind her. As we walked back to my room, I told her everything that had happened, and helped her carry up her bags.
"Luce, I need your advice on what to wear tonight," I said, sitting on my bed. "I want to look good, but not too slutty, you know?" She laughed slightly and nodded.
"Got it. I'll have a look, you tell your other friends that the door's unlocked," She said, starting to look through my wardrobe for something for me to wear. I did as she said, texting Danni and Meg quickly, then going to get us some chocolate and sweets.
By the time I got back upstairs, two dresses were laid out on my bed - one was short, tight, strapless and black, and the other was dark red and cut out around the waist.
"One's for you and one's for me," she said, taking some chocolate gratefully, then smiled. "Your choice."
"I'll wear the red one." I replied, picking it up and starting to change. Since me and Luce had known each other for so many years, we felt comfortable enough to change in front of each other, so I didn't really care that she was in the room. Without me needing to say anything, she came and helped me to zip it up, and I did the same for her when she got dressed. The other girls came over after a while, already dressed up, and I quickly did my make up as Lucy did hers.
Danni was so excited to finally meet the band that she made us leave half an hour early, which, unbeknownst to us, was a good idea, as the traffic was awful and it took us over an hour and a half to get somewhere less than 45 minutes away. We finally found somewhere to park and I called Tristan, asking him to come and get us from outside.
"Hey, Lydia!" I heard his voice after a few minutes and I turned around, smiling.
"Hey, Tris," I was pulled into a hug by him and I smiled, realising that I had missed him more than I knew myself. "These are my friends, Danni, Luce and Megan." I pointed at them in turn, and he greeted them kindly, then led us inside to where the other boys were.
"Guys, shut up!" He laughed when they were all talking over each other. "Lydia and her friends are here." Brad and Connor looked up almost immediately, smiling at us and introducing themselves. James, however, seemed distracted by a blonde girl who's waist his arm was wrapped around. Danni, Meg and Luce started talking to Brad and Connor, then I went over to Tristan and smiled.
"Who's James with?" I asked as he passed me a drink.
"His girlfriend, Cicely. It's her birthday today, so they're going to be distracted by each other for most of tonight," he laughed, and I nodded slightly.
"That's cute, remind me to say happy birthday to her." I smiled, and we stayed talking for a while. I saw Megan and Brad slightly moving away from the group, only talking, but definitely closer than before.
"So, how's it going? With the band, I mean." I asked Tris, who's arm was now loosely wrapped around my waist.
"It's good, yeah. Everything seems to be working out well, and Joe's happy with us at the moment." He smiled, drinking some more of his drink.
"That's great," I looked up at him, smiling. "When are you performing tonight?"
"In about half an hour, if we can pull James away from Cicely in time." He laughed. "Do you want another drink, Lyd?" I nodded, and tried to hand him some money, with him shaking his head. "No, babe, I'm not going to take your money. This is my treat," he smiled, then went to get the drinks.
Lucy walked over to me, smirking slightly.
"So, you and Tristan, huh?" She giggled quietly.
"No, Luce, it's not like that!" I giggled with her and she raised her eyebrows.
"Really? You seem pretty close... I think he likes you," she smirked and winked at me.
"No, he doesn't... Does he?" I bit my lip and she nodded.
"I can tell. And you like him too! You know you do." She hugged me, and I could almost smell the alcohol on her as I laughed. Tris came back and smiled at us.
"Hey, Lucy. How are you?" He handed me a drink, the same as the one in his hand.
"I'm good," she replied. "You having a good night?" A smirk was forming on her lips, and I elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow! Lyd! Stop it!" She pouted at me.
"I'm having a good time, thanks." He chuckled at her and looked at me. "We're going to have to get ready for our set now, so I'll see you later, yeah?" He squeezed my arm and smiled.
"Yeah, have fun. Good luck." I hugged him quickly, then he went to get the other boys for their set. It would be interesting to see them perform when they were all a bit drunk.
I went to sit down next to Cicely, realising that she knew none of us, and wanting to make her feel included.
"Hey, I'm Lydia," I smiled at her. "Happy birthday." She looked at me, seeming happy that someone had talked to her.
"Thank you! I'm Cicely. Are you Tristan's girlfriend?" She asked.
"No, no!" I laughed. "No, we're just friends. I've only known him a few weeks." She nodded slightly, but looked at me knowingly.
"Well, I've known the guys a while, and Tris seems to talk about you a lot." She smiled at me and ran a hand through her hair.
"Really? He does?" I couldn't stop myself from smiling as she nodded, then we heard an announcer say that the boys were starting their performance. We all turned to watch them, and they suddenly seemed sober and just excited, rather than fuelled by alcohol.
"Hi, we're The Vamps, and we're going to play a few songs for you tonight!" Brad's words were slightly slurred, but so were everyone's in the room.
"I just want to say, it's my girlfriend's birthday, and I love you so much, baby." James said, smiling up at us. "Have a great night, Cicely."
"And everyone else here. Have a good time!" Tristan interrupted, sitting behind his drum kit and, before I knew it, they were singing and playing.
The rest of the night was a happy blur, with dancing and singing along to the music that was played. I saw Megan and Brad leave early together, and there may or may not have been a drunken kiss between Danni and Connor. Luce didn't get that close to any of the boys, as her boyfriend, Jeremy, was texting her all night, and they had been together for nearly a year now. Tristan and I had been flirting for a while, and it did feel like butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach when his hands were on my waist as we danced together.
I liked him. I liked him a lot.
And I hope he liked me back.

a/n: so I've finally updated and I hope you guys like it, if anyone reads this haha. if you do, thank you for keeping it in your library. i really appreciate it ☺️
in case you were wondering, the character of lucy is based on kasabians and Megan is @-fakeliampayne

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