Chapter 7: Be Strong

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Mum agreed with Jack which resulted to me going with them.

I'm gonna join them on tour. I'm so excited with what could happen in tour and who might I meet.

I'm gonna freak out.

I'm now with Jack, waiting for the bus to pick us up.

"You excited?" He asked me.



Then the bus parked in front. I saw Matt Flyzik coming towards us.

"So, she's the girl you've been talking about huh." Matt said.

"Hi I'm Matt. So you're Amelie right? Well, Jack couldn't stop talking about you." Jack blushed and glared at him.

"Yep. Nice to meet you." I said. I carried my suitcase and went inside. I was amazed at the tour bus.

"Jack! Amelie!" Alex ran to hug us.

"Hey." I exchanged hellos with Zack and Rian.

Matt lead us to our bunks. I immediately occupied the top bunk while Jack is on the opposite of mine and below him is Zack.

"That's my bunk!" Alex said from behind.

"I see no name." I said.

"But it's mine."

"Too bad, its mine now." I smirked. I climbed up at my bunk. Alex pulled my hand and catch me before I fell. I felt his hands on my sides. He started tickling me.

I laughed hysterically.

"Alex! stop." I said in between my laugh.

"Beg for it." He said.

"Alex please." He didn't stopped. He continued tickling me.


Finally, he stopped.

"Buti'llstillusethetopbunk!" I said in rush as I climbed and closed the curtain.

"WHAT?!" I heard him say. I giggled at him and I just sat on my bunk. I heard his footsteps faded, going to the back lounge. I felt the bus started moving. I'll get some sleep first to rest.

But then my head started to ache.

"Argh." I groaned.

It was a saturday night. I just got back from Jack's house. I accompanied my dad in buying our groceries.

We were about go back when a sudden impact came to our direction. Glass shattered everywhere and our car rolled over on a side. Its like a disaster.

It hurts.

I can feel an ache all over my body and all i could see is blood. I looked over to my dad. He is there covered by blood, lifeless.

"D-ad?" I tried to speak.

I got no response. I started to cry and feel weak.

I tried to reach for him but I can do nothing. I can't do anything. I winced in pain. I helplessly cried and pray for everything. I could feel my eyelids starting to become heavy. Everything's blurred.

Then I started to remember everything. My mom, dad, and my friends.

I hope mom wont feel sad. We'll just always be right by her side.

Then I remembered Jack.

I guess I can't see him tomorrow.

'Jack, I'm sorry.' I thought.

I can no longer see him smile, hear him laugh, laugh at his joke,and everything.

I'm leaving him without nothing to give. Not even a word.

I guess this is goodbye.

Then I blacked out.

The curtain flew open.

"Amelie?!" Jack rushed to my side and held me.

Then I hold onto his arms and started to cry a lot. Jack started comforting me, keeping me sane.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The a-accident.." I managed to speak. Jack nodded in understanding. He hugged me more tight.

"It was just a normal day and then it happened. I was sad not seeing everyone again, especially not seeing you again. I even told my goodbyes." I told him while listen at me intently.

"Don't think of it anymore. I know your dad must be happy to where he is right now. And what matters most is now you're with me. I don't plan on leaving you soon unless you wanted to stay away." He explained.

I finally stopped crying and I smile at him. Jack always makes me feel better and I don't know why. Just by being in his company makes me feel happy.

"Thank you Jack." I told him sincerely.

He's been helping me since I came back.

"No worries. Now, go get some sleep. You need to rest for tomorrow." He said. I tugged his arm.

"Can you stay with me for a while till I get some sleep?" I asked. He nodded at me. He started to lay beside me, stroking my hair.

"It will be okay." I heard him whispered.

Memories That Fade Like Photographs (Jack Barakat - All Time Low fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now