Never Ending Love-Ventolio and Aquidia

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What if you fell in love with a man who you thought was just a peasant?What if he turned out to be a prince?What if you found out that he had a fiance and she wants to kill you?Will you fight for him until the end or not?What about if the person you loved died fighting for you?Would you follow her into the afterlife?Or will you try to forget about her even if you can't?Meet Ventolio, a prince who longs for freedom and Aquidia,a blue-haired maiden.Find out what these two young lovers did to prove their love for each other.


Pyralis-Ventolio's fiance and princess of Gyraldon

Terrania-Queen of Gyraldon and mother of Pyralis

Darion-King of Luropia who recently died and father of Ventolio

Cornelius-Lifelong Suitor of Aquidia

Aquidia-Woman who admires the sea,loves Ventolio and loved by Ventolio

Ventolio-Prince of Luropia and the man who loves and is loved by Aquidia

Gyraldon-Luropia's neighboring region

Luropia-A walled city like Gyraldon,Home of Aquidia,Darion,Ventolio and Cornelius

There was once a time when the sky had no clouds and water can only be found underground.There was a young maiden with blue hair and wears blue silk.She was Aquidia,the most elegant maiden of Luropia.She always admired the gracefulness of water,Then there was Prince Ventolio,son of King Darion.He was a silverette who always wore a white cape and cotton coat.Unfortunately,he was betrothed to Princess Pyralis of Gyraldon.One day,as Aquidia was walking along the villages streets,she stumbled upon Ventolio in disguise.He was running away from the palace guards.He led Aquidia to a fountain deep withing the forest.Everyday,they would meet in that same spot.One day Ventolio confessed to Aquidia about his love and she did the same.But alas,no secret lasts forever.The guards followed Ventolio in secrecy to the fountain and witnessed everything.They later on reported to Queen Terrania of Gyraldon.That evening,she summoned Ventolio to her palace.

"Who is it that comes?Is it finally you Ventolio?"asked the queen

"Yes,it is i,Ventolio,the son of the late king Darion of Luropia."replied Ventolio

"Is my daughter not enough?Would you like slaves to satisfy your lust too?"taunted Terrania

"It is not lust I feel for Aquidia but rather love which I will never feel for your daughter.I shall now take my leave to avoid making this conversation worse."said Ventolio

"If you keep on loving her,bad things may and will happen.I assure you that."warned the queen

Ventolio ignored the queen's warning.Meanwhile,the palace guards were telling lies about Venotlio in Aquidia's home.The only truth was him being a prince and about Pyralis.The next morning,he waited for Aquidia by the fountain but she never came.On his way to her house,he noticed a guard following him so he went around town until he lost the guard.When he reached her house,he saw her weeping through the windowpane  so he rushed to her side.

"What is the matter?"he asked Aquidia

She told her everything the guards said.

"Those pigs!How dare they spread lies!"raged Ventolio

"So you're not a prince who is also betrothed to a princess?"asked Aquidia

"I am a prince an is betrothed to Pyralis.I am sorry i never told you.But i will always be here to wipe your tears away."replied Ventolio while weeping Aquidia's tears away

"Then let us meet by the fountain tomorrow."said Aquidia.

"We cannot for the guards now know of that place.We must run away tonight,when the moon shines bright."suggested Ventolio.

"Let us go find a place where the sky and water resides together like the fountain."added Aquidia.

During their conversation,Cornelius,Aquidia's suitor,overheard their plan.

"I must let Pyralis know of this for only she could help me from keeping them away from each other."schemed Cornelius

Cornelius went in haste to Gyraldon's palace to talk to Pyralis

"Who are you to ask for me when it is almost dusk?"asked Pyralis

"I am Cornelius,from Luropia.I bring valuable news about Ventolio and Aquidia."smirked Cornelius

He told her everything he overheard including the plan.Pyralis called her trusty soldiers and ordered them.

"Before the moon shines bright,we shall head to Luropia's only entrance and kill the woman who stole Ventolio from me.We shall claim the head of Aquidia!"declared Pyralis.

And at midnight,Ventoilo and Aquidia headed for the walled city's entrance only to be barred by Cornelius and Pyralis.

"Thank you for the information Cornelius."remarked Pyralis."It was unbelievably helpful."

Then she turned to her soldiers and ordered them to seize Aquidia.

"What are you doing Pyralis?Let us be!"demanded Ventolio

"I am saving you from this seducer!Kill her!"raged Pyralis

Ventolio tried his best to protect Aquidia but an arrow struck her heart.

"Alas!We could never be together.Fare thee well my dear Ventolio"declared Aquidia for the last time

Ventolio,astonished by her death,picked up the arrow that killed Aquidia.

"Wait for me."he whispered

Then he stabbed himself with the arrow and died.The next morning,water surrounded Luropia and Gyraldon.They called it "Meris" which means "Sea" for Aquidia thought of calling her future daughter that name.And cottony white things appeared on the sky which they called "Nebum" which means "Cloud" for Ventolio wanted a son to be called by that name if he were to have any.But they believed that Ventolio became the sky and Aquidia became the sea.And yet they could never be together for if Ventolio comes closer to Aquidia,the sun would dry her for he must always carry the sun,moon and stars on his back and if Aquidia reaches for him,the people of Luropia and Gyraldon would drown.But it is said that when Aquidia can no longer bear not being able to touch Ventolio anymore and she would weep in secrecy,Ventolio would wipe her tears with the clouds as he promised and if he can no longer take the sight of her crying,he would also mourn.If they would touch each other sometimes,the people of Luropia and Gyraldon would be happy even though they could be harmed for they would create strong winds by holding each other and these winds may damage the two regions.But forevermore,they are happy for they would be together even if they could never touch without harming others,at least they will see each other forevermore,day and night,thus they are contented.

*************THE END************

Kairi's note:This was just a test since it would be the first one I'll publish here..It was the first story I wrote months ago but i only had the courage to write it now..Sorry if its not that good..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2012 ⏰

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