"In this day in age, there are still tensions between the two societies. Thankfully, some people have made amends. Just like your mother and me." Excuse me? Did he just? This story has to be a metaphor or something. I was about to ask what the hell he meant, but he beat me to it. "Your mother is a werewolf, and I am an Assassin. I am her mate and she is mine." Mate? Say what now? I can't take any of this anymore. I grabbed my things and stood up.

"I don't know what you're high on, but you're insane." With those final words I rushed out of the cafe. Of course, he followed right behind me, hot on my trail. I ignored him and continued to my car. Right as I was about to get in my car, his hand came forward and slammed my Jeep door shut. Anger bubbled up inside me, and just as I was about to turn around and slap him, he spoke.

"Let me show you. We can take your car. I'll take you to your mom." Those words hit me like a semi. He's willing to take me to see my mother. I turn around, still trapped, and I narrow my eyes with tears prickling once again. "Please, let me-" I put my hand up to stop him. He stood there pleading me with his eyes.

"Fine. This is the last chance I'm giving you." With those words, he nodded and backed away so I could get in the car.


The car ride was silent, and it took an hour. The whole time I sat there stiff and he drove relaxed. This must be a regular thing for him. Eventually, we pulled up to a large house hidden by the surplus of trees. Pine, my favorite scent of all. We both stepped out of the Jeep. He walked up to the house, but I stayed back. It was absolutely beautiful. Enchanting even.

It was three stories high with a wrap around porch. To the left side were five four wheelers and three dirt bikes. On the other, there was a Chevy truck; typical. The house itself, there are no words to explain. It was our white, somehow, it was. There was grey lining on the windows, doors, shackles, etc. I was absolutely astonished at how beautiful this place was.

"Jesse." My eyes snapped away from the house and to the man. I don't know what to call him so for now he's: him, he, and man. He looked at me as if telling me to follow him, and hesitantly I did. My feet lead me to the front door, and as I got closer a warm smell of apple pie filled my nose. Dear god, that is my favorite.

He walked into the door and I did as well. I thought the outside was beautiful, but the inside is nothing compared to the outside. I'm surprised to see how much rustic modern appliances and furnishing is in here. I thought it would be aged with the house, but I was wrong.

"Honey, we're home." The man said loudly throughout the house. I didn't notice it at first, but someone was humming from the kitchen. The man in front of me chuckled and shook his head. "Follow me Jesse." I did as I was told and followed him to the left. When we arrived to the kitchen, I saw a woman with sandy brown hair cleaning the dishes and humming. The man walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Just like how Dad did with Mom.

The woman jumped and giggled before angling her head to kiss him passionately.

Just like how Dad did with Mom.

Tears prickled at my eyes and I had to take a step back to keep me from falling. My hand came up to my mouth and I took in shaky deep breaths. They whispered to each other causing each other to giggle or chuckle. My heart ached at the sight.

"How did things go with Jessica?" The woman asked. Oh my god, she sounds just like Mom. I leaned up against a wall and slowly slid down it trying to keep my sobs quiet.

"She's still stubborn, just like you, but I got her here." The woman stopped completely dropping all of her things. She turned and looked over his shoulder at me. Tears pricked at her eyes and she pushed passed the man and fell to her knees in front of me.

Her crisp blue eyes sparkled and her hands shook. She looked absolutely beautiful, like I always remembered. Tears brimmed and continued to slip down her cheeks. Her hair messily fell over her shoulders and her lips quivered.

"My baby, my beautiful baby girl." Her voice caused me to choke on me tears and I could help but pull her into a hug. My mom is alive, and so is my dad. I didn't let go of Mom. My eyes went up to Dad and tears were in his eyes as well. His hood was off now, and suddenly I recognized him. He came over and got on his knees pulling the two of us into a hug. After a few minutes, we all got up and wiped our tears away.

"Does she know?" Mom asked Dad, and I knew what they meant. Dad looked at me and then back at Mom.

"I tried to explain, but she wants to see." Dad says making Mom sigh. She nodded though and took my hand leading me to the backyard. She let go when I hit the ground after the last step. Mom took her apron off and Dad stood next to me.

"I haven't shifted today, so it's be nice to get a nice stretch." Before Dad and I could respond, she was "shifting". Bones cracked and clothes ripped, and right before my eyes stood a beautiful dark brown wolf. It wasn't a wolf though. It was a werewolf had the size of a lion. I gulped hard and my feet, subconsciously, lead me over to her. She, the wolf, stayed still and watched me. When I was close enough, I realized her wolf was up to my neck. Fear snuck into me as I slowly extended my hand to run through her fur. When I touched it, she leaned into my touch and I gasped. Her fur is so soft, I could sleep next to her when she's like this. Plus, she's so warm.

I smiled and walked around her, examining everything, even her tail. It was the same as the rest of her though. When I got back to her face, I noticed that her eyes aren't blue, but they're a slight grey with small golden flecks in them. You could barely notice the gold. I was about to say something, but Dad said something the surprised me.

"Would you like to ride her?" If it weren't for the reality of things I would've laughed, but instead I actually considered it. "You'd have to hold on tightly, but it is quiet enjoyable." He continued. Mom gazed at me waiting for my answer, and soon I nodded. Dad helped me onto her back and I gripped her fur. "I'll see you two in a bit, I have to go talk with a few people." With that, Dad walked back into the house.

Supernatural Werewolf (RETURNING SUMMER 2017)Where stories live. Discover now