Chapter 3. The Dream

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It was calm. Very silent. A classic music filled my room as I went to sleep. I dreamed.

I was walking down the hallway. I stopped in front of a room. I heard a voice that says, "you know her Caitlyn, go introduce her, she's part of our family. She just doesn't know that ." Alright mom" the girl replied. I was surprised. I quickly touch myself because of the dream. I don't know the truth yet. I will just keep the dream as my own secret. After dressing up, I look up at the clock. It was 3 p.m. I wondered why I sleep that long. Then, Mr. Bernard knock my room.

May I come in miss ? he said. Sure, .. How's your afternoon sleep miss ? Do you have a dream? Replied him
Well, yes it's nice, I do have a dream..but it's classified. Mr Bernard, can I ask you something..
Sure miss, whatever you need to ask.
Do you have a wife? giggled me.
Well, actually I don't have. I just love this old castle so much, even the Mdm. who owns it. Whoops.
Ooh, so you like her ?
Technically, I do.
Why don't you ask her, or tell her your feelings about her..
I once want to ask her, but she marry a prince that day without me I buried my dream. Then one day the prince left Mdm. Carlotta and marry another princess.
After that what happened to Mdm. Carlotta?
Well.. Years later..

Suddenly, Caitlyn called my name. Allyssa, let's go play..I jumped from my bed. Say goodbye to Mr. Bernard and hope he can tell me more about Mdm. Carlotta. Caitlyn and I run through the hallway, down to the garden. When we arrived, suddenly a gargoyle flew above us. I shouted and run behind a tree. "Hey Allyssa, don't worry, that's only Marco, he's a friend of mine. Although he's a gargoyle." Then the gargoyle, Marco started to land near us. He said, " Hello Caitlyn, nice to meet you again. Naaahh, could somebody told me whose this new comer's name? "He smile at me. "Hi I'm Allyssa, I just got here.." replied me. " Nice to meet you Allyssa, I Am Marco. Now what do you all say we go to the Magical Garden..? " " Magical Garden? " I confused. "You'll see..." Said Caitlyn.

Wondering all the way, Caitlyn grab my hand and drag me to a place I don't know. I look above and around me. Big trees and a pathway suddenly appeared. Magical dust surround us along the way, I wondered where do they gonna took me..

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