Spring Breakers

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Nervously twitching my thumbs together, I waited on the edge of my dresser for Justin to arrive. He said he’d be here half an hour ago.Probably late flight or something.I thought to myself. I put my head down, and looked at my chipped nail polish. I decided to paint them red — exactly how Justin liked them. As I finished the last nail, I felt two hands grip at my waist.

“Hey beautiful.” A familiar voice whispered in my ear. “Justin!” I squealed, wrapping my hands around him. He kissed my forehead. “I missed you so much.” This time, he rested his chin on my head. “I missed you more.” I plopped my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat. “Your heart is racing.” I laughed, placing my hand on his chest. He chuckled. “Cause I’m with you.” I was about to turn my face up to his to kiss him, before we wereinterrupted. “Selena, we’ll need you in five minutes.” The director said. “Ugh.” I grunted. Justin took hold of my hand, and smiled. “Your nails look good.” “I knew you’d like them.” I replied. “But I don’t have time to talk about them right now. I’m sorry, baby.” He nodded. “You need to work, I know. Can I watch?” Justin asked me. I smiled ear-to-ear. “Yes, yes, yes!” He dropped our hands, as we walked to the set. As I reached where I was needed, I went to let go of Justin’s hand. “Wait.” He said, pulling me back, and kissed me. My heart started to beat unevenly. “Stop it!” I pushed his chest, and he laughed at me. “Have fun.”

As soon as shooting was done, I walked over to Justin, who was half asleep sitting on a crate. “Wake up, sleepy head.” I shoved his arm. Justin sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. “I wasn’t asleep, I was watching you. Well done.” He stood up and hugged me. “You did great.” He whispered in my ear. “I bet you couldn’t even tell me the main characters name.” I teased. And he nodded, “You’re probably right. I’m sorry. Forgive me.” I shook my head. “No, you gotta work to be forgiven.” I winked at him. He stared at me for a minute, and then looked around to see who was near us. “How about I make it up to you later, aye?” He raised an eyebrow.Immediately catching on to what he meant, I shrugged my shoulders. “Hmm, maybe. Depends on how you… behave.” I turned around to grab my bag and water bottle, Justin’s hands grabbed my waist. “You mean yes.” He laughed, kissing my neck. I started to breathe heavily, and noticed that people may have heard me. “Stop it, not here!” I giggled, pushing him away once again. “You, me, Ash and Ryan are going out to dinner tonight. And then you’re coming to… sleep… with me in my room.” He winked. “I have to get dressed first.” I told him. He nodded. “Well, go get dressed!” I did as he said, and came out fifteen minutes later. “Took you long enough.” He laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist as we walked to the car, and off to the diner we went.

It was probably eleven thirty when he got back to his hotel room. Justin was a little bit tipsy, but I was still sober. “You need to sleep.” I told him, resting my bag against a wall. “No, not sleep.” He smiled and kissed me. I sighed. “I said maybe, Justin.” He pushed me against the wall, and ran his hands up and down my sides. “I said yes.” I gave up, and gave in. “Fine.” I smiled, running my hands down his back. Justin’s lips didn’t leave mine not once, until he made his way up to my cheeks, my neck and collar bone. I felt his hands run up and down my legs, before he finally tore off my dress, with the beads up the top flying off. “I liked that dress.” I said, as I ran my hands through his hair. “Too bad.” He breathed, while rubbing his lips up and down my neck. I started breathing heavily, as he unhooked my bra, and I took off his pants. He pushed me down on the bed, and I closed my eyes. I could feel his breath hovering over my face, and his hands searching across my thighs. “Just do it already.” I giggled, crushing his body onto mine.


“Morning, sunshine.” Justin said, watching the news on TV. I looked at the time. It was only seven. “Good morning, babe.” I smiled. “How are you?” He asked me. “Sore.” I admitted. He laughed. “Oh, oops.” I felt my cheeks turn a bright red. Justin sighed. “You have to be at work in two hours, they just came in before.” I rolled my eyes. “Great.” I stepped into the shower, and washed my hair, got dressed and ready for the day. When I came out, Justin was dressed and the bed was made. “Well, that’s a first.” I pointed to the bed. He shrugged. “Don’t expect it again.” He laughed. I went back to the dresser to find somejewellery to wear, and Justin stood next to me. “Wear that one.” He pointed to a pearl bracelet. “Eh, okay.” I slipped it on my wrist, and twisted it around. “It’s shiny.” He said, touching the pearls. “Thank you, for last night.” He smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and forced my lips to his. “Mmmm, it’s quite alright.”He looked at his watch. “We still have like an hour left. Do you wanna go get breakfast?”

After breakfast, Justin told me he had to go see his grandparents, and soon after, Justin came to the set. He had to leave. Saying goodbye was the worst part of having to visit one another. “Don’t go. Stay one more night.” I sighed. Justin looked me in the eyes. “I can’t. I was pushing it with having two days off. You know how hard I’m working.” I shrugged. “Call me when you get back.” He had a tight hold of my waist, and it felt like he wouldn’t let go. “I promise. I love you, so much.” He whispered to me. I smiled, teary-eyed. “I love you more, baby.” Just as we finished our kiss, Justin’s grandfather tapped on his shoulder. “C’mon kiddo, we gotta go before our flight gets cancelled.” Letting go of him, he followed after his grandfather. I turned around, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

“SELENA! I LOVE YOU!” His voice trailed out. I turned around, and he was walking backwards, facing me with his hands in the air. Unable to speak, I waved goodbye, and so did he.


Justin’s POV

- As requested by anonymous.

The flight home was long and painful. I missed her already, but I kept my composure. By the time I got home, I fell asleep straight away on her side of the bed. In the morning, I was woken by my phone blasting.

Selena: 15 missed calls.

Shit.I thought to myself. I was supposed to call her when I landed. I answered the call. “Babe! I’m sorry. I fell asleep as soon as I got home.” I could hear relief in her voice as she talked back to me. Our conversation didn’t last very long, because she had to go film. Not knowing what to do, I decided I’d open up Tumblr. I flicked through my dashboard, before clicking on the Selena Gomez tag. Seeing the pictures of her in her bikini… I couldn’t explain how I felt. I decided I’d text her.

Teasing me, aye? You look hot.I pressed send on the text, and she replied almost instantly:

Remember, you gotta make it up to me for not calling me as soon as you got home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2012 ⏰

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