Heart break

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By "heart breaks" I dont mean just a breakup with your boyfrnd/girlfriend.

Also its very common thing! I bet everyone has atleast ONCE experienced a major heart break. Friend's, family, lovers, ex's , bla bla.
So u know its painfull.

Well Indian teenagers are like prepared soldiers for these kinds of things because they are already heartbroken from their own parents. In India being a failed student is a very shameful thing. People judge you by your grades. Yes. Grades. Even your own parents. If u r not a straight 'A' student ur parents dont even care what you do in life.

Straight 'A' students are the favorite ones of all teachers. And the other guys who are struggling to get good grades are usually ignored. And that thing hurts the most. Our confidence is crushed into pieces and then we just stop caring. Its all because you can't get good grades in your exam.

And I'm like "Tha Efffff?"

But you can't change the rules you know. Its like. Once a failure always a failure.


But nothing is compared to the feeling when your own frnd, who you love the most, betrays you.

Okay. So here's the thing. U meet someone and you guys become good frnds. U start sharing things and BFFs bla bla. For a second u think this stupid idiot you've been with, means the world to you. But you forget they have other frnds too. So when they hangout with some other fnds, dont you feel left out? I mean u thought they were your best frnd but they dont think of you as a best frnd, they think of you as a good partner to hangout when they r bored. After realizing all this, u feel like u should jump off a building or something, this feeling is "frnd ne tod diya dil" heart break.

And the worst part is u cant even say anything to them cuz you r being unreasonable thinking these things. For you they were your best bud. For them, it's someone else.

And thats worse than a breakup.

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