Finally Captured

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It didn’t take long for a full search to go out for Moriarty. Multiple platoons were sent out, looking for clues to where the dragon went. During that time, Sergeant Wilkinson, was put into intensive therapy, mumbling about rainbow dragons and demon girls.

They eventually found her two weeks later, back in Arbil, hiding in one of the abandoned buildings. She woke up, wounds almost fully healed, in a complete rage. The soldiers were slightly more prepared this time though.

She took down three man and one dragon before the ten tazers hit their mark on each bit of her body. As she writhed on the floor, hissing and keening, a well shot tranquilizer got her in the neck, and she fell silent.

They took her to containment capitol, Herat, where many high profile enemies were kept. She was strung up in a heated cell, shackles above her head.

When she awoke, her first reaction was to get away. The girth of the manacles made it impossible to shift, and she fought extremely hard against them, twisting and screaming like a rabid dog.

Whenever someone came in to the cell, planning to talk to her, she immediately flew into attacking them verbally. Whether there was a dragon or not, she would curse them in her own tongue and in English, swapping between the two languages with ease.

She hardly slept, most of the time trying to pull out of the room; the heat was terrible, or screaming.

There were a lot of tranquilizers shot in, the people watching her eventually getting sick of the noise.


John was contacted immediately. The message in blood was a huge concern, and it had got to John quite early that Moriarty was interested in him. The message was signed from General Perkins himself, one of the highest ranking generals in this war, though the direct message was relayed by a secretary.

“We would ask of you to come and try to communicate with Moriarty, as we have her in custody, and she has already expressed an interest in you and your dragon. You will get a sum of money as reward if you do get her to speak, and we might reconsider the length of your service for the army if you make any substantial progress.”

It was a no-brainer really. He got on the plane with Sherlock by his side, and left for Herat.


John landed in Herat, immediately surrounded by important looking people with clip boards.

“We thought you would arrive,” said a small woman who introduced herself as Clara. “We thought that since you were able to tame Sherlock, and you also have her medical, we agreed as a group that you would be suited for the job.”

Sherlock was bristling next to him, staying quiet but sending John messages through their link.

Don’t trust any of them.

Get the dragon to talk and then get out of here.

There is too much politician business tied to this.

John silently agreed. He was here to get his service length reduced, not for any other reason.

John was led into a tall building, with glass lining it to the top floor. He got inside, walking to an elevator, inspecting the foyer and frowning. It looked like a bank, with happy people going up to the cubicles and withdrawing and smiling and being polite. The elevator doors closed, and Clara pressed a button labeled HC. She waved her card in front of it, and the elevator began to move.

The other people that had met with him left them with only Clara, and they got out on floor HC, and John blinked at the brightness of it all.

A Dragon's EnemyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant