"Bless you." Harry said quietly, watching him.

Zayn barely mumbled a response, folding his arms and staring at the television.

"You um, sound a little sick." Harry commented carefully.

"I feel fine." Zayn lied.

Harry sighed, taking the remote and typing in the code.

He tossed the remote to Zayn, getting his laptop and going upstairs to have some time to himself.


The next morning, Zayn woke up feeling absolutely awful.

His forehead was glistening with sweat, his skin was pale, and it felt like each muscle in his body was aching.

He tried to inhale, but his nose was blocked too.

How the hell did all of this develop overnight?

Sure, he felt bad yesterday but nothing like this.

Zayn whined loudly, rolling onto his stomach.

Good God he felt terrible.

He could barely move.

"Zayn?" Harry asked, coming in seconds later.

He'd been walking by and just happened to hear his whine.

"Oh no." Harry said softly, immediately noticing how pale he looked.

"Leave me alone." Zayn groaned knowing Harry would baby him.

"I can't. You look like death just punched you in the face." Harry said.

"Feels like it." Zayn mumbled, wincing from the pain.

His entire body felt as if it were being slowly cut from the inside out.

"I can take you to the doctor if you want." Harry offered. "Or maybe call an ambulance."

"I don't need an ambulance. I'll be fine." Zayn sighed, slowly sitting up and trying his best to act like he didn't feel that bad.

But his head was throbbing, and the moment he was sat up he started to sneeze.

Six times in a row, leaving him breathless and weak.

Harry approached him with a box of tissues, handing them to him.

"Everything hurts so bad." Zayn said after he wiped his nose.

Why did this have to happen to him?

What on earth was the purpose of this?

"You must've caught something when we went out." Harry said, feeling like it was his fault.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Harry asked.

"I'm cold." Zayn whined, not caring how he sounded anymore.

He felt so awful, and didn't care if Harry babied him anymore.

Zayn just wanted to feel better.

"So some more blankets? Maybe something warm to eat?" Harry suggested.

"No, I want to go downstairs first. I wanna be on the couch." Zayn decided.

"Okay, we'll get you set up downstairs first then find out what exactly is wrong and get you some medicine." Harry decided.

Zayn slowly began to get out of bed, stopping at the edge with a whimper.

Pain pulsed up his spine and throughout his body.

"Are you- do you need help?" Harry asked, feeling worried.

"Yeah, I just," Zayn sighed, feeling so irritated.

"Leave it to me, okay?" Harry asked, deciding not to restrict himself anymore.

He walked over and gently lifted Zayn into his arms, ignoring the look Zayn gave him.

"You're going to carry me all the way downstairs?" He asked.

"You say that like it's a chore. I'd carry you anywhere, Zayn." Harry told him.

Zayn relaxed a little, beginning to think.

"I might be carrying you out to the car soon. You seem pretty bad off." Harry said, able to feel how clammy and hot Zayn's skin was.

"I'll be fine." Zayn said, shivering after Harry let him go and put him down on the couch.

"I'll be right back with your pillows and blankets." Harry assured him, turning the television on.

Zayn swallowed, ignoring his sore throat. "Harry?"

"Yes?" Harry responded, turning and looking at him.

"Thanks." Zayn said shyly.

Harry smiled a little.

"Of course."

A/N: Uh oh....😊

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