10- That Went Well

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A/N- .........Wow. I'm sorry. I'm not even sure how to apologize. But here I am, I guess?


On the outside, I was Stephanie Cane. Blonde former-soccer player and current revolution...-izer... striding up the walkway to her house.

On the inside, Yakkity Sax was playing loudly inside my head as my emotions flew around like deranged monkeys.

I am evil. I AM EVIL! How could I do that to them?! How could I force them to play that song? I'm stepping on them, just like I used to do. I'm not better than I once was, I'm not even stronger than I once was. I'm just a desperate girl trying to do whatever she can to get back the life she's been meticulously crafting since she was five. And it's all because I know, deep down inside, that I don't belong with these peop—

"OH DEAR LORD!" I screeched as the door swung open, a millimeter from my nose. WHO JUST DID THAT?!

"STEPHANIE!" shrieked my mom, who leapt into the air so high that it made my heart skip a beat. What could possibly be a big enough deal to nearly send my mom to the hospital?

"MOM!" I grabbed her in panic.

Wait... Dad's job.

I looked her in the eyes, heart yearning, "Did he..?"

Her teary expression was all it took, but she nodded anyways.

I screamed. I SCREAMED! I probably woke up the neighbors, but I didn't care! I grabbed my mom's hands, and we jumped in a circle and just SCREAMED together!

Finally. Finally things are working out for me. Oh my gosh, we're gonna go to Calabasas and live in an air conditioned house by the beach! And we might even earn enough money from Dad's job to STAY there!

I can just see it. Me, lounging on a white lawn chair, coconut in hand, younger siblings fanning me with palm branches. Okay, or maybe sitting next to me. I don't hate them thaaaat much. Maybe hot guys can do it instead! Yeah... hot shirtless guys...

"Steph?" Mom asked quizzically, before waving a hand in front of my eyes. What?! Sheesh, nothing!

"Yes, here," I said hastily, and quickly checked to see if there was any drool running down my face. "Mom, I can't believe this. I seriously can't believe this!"

"I know! I know," Mom responded, awestruck. She wrapped me in a hug.

"Mom," we were interrupted by Adam tugging on the leg on my mom's old jeans.

"Adam!" I groaned, and grabbed his cheek, because I know that annoys him. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't know every little thing that my siblings hated?

"Stephanie, you're in Lemonade Mouth, right?" he asked. Whoa, how did he know about— actually, it's not that surprising, we're blowing up. I mean, if there's still a WE after this.

Mom furrowed her unplucked brows. "Lemonade Mouth?"

"Steph's band," Adam said as if it was obvious.

"You're in a band?" Mom asked. Wow, she really does not get out much. When we get to Calabasas, we're getting our nails done together. STAT!

"Yeah, that's what I was doing at the Halloween bash!" I laughed.

Mom chuckled, and made a silly face. "I didn't kno—"

"You're on the radio!"

My heart stopped.

"I'm on the what."

"The radio."


"Ra. Di. O."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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