Memories are crumbling like dried flower leaves on my fingertips and under my feet and behind my back

He closed his eyes to rest his tiring body and as soon as he closed his eyes,he remembered the first time he met her,the first time the two exchanged words to one another and the first time he ever felt something for someone.

''There's your target!'' His boss threw her picture on the desk before he picked up to see who it was. ''Sharp at 3,she'll get out of her university and that's where you'll get her! You're the only one I can trust who can do this successfully Namjoon!''

''I can do the job if that's what you want but what exactly am I supposed to do with her after I get her?'' Namjoon raised his eyebrow as he observed the girl's picture with one hand and scratched his forehead's itch with a gun in his other hand.

''Kill her!'' His boss ordered. ''All you have to do is kidnap her and keep her alive until we fully get paid then we kill her like the rest of the others! That's the order I got about her.''

Namjoon quietly waited in his van as he observed her,his target,getting out of the university's premises with a bright smile on her face as she waved her friends goodbye and he looked around to see when was the perfect time to grab her and push her inside his van to kidnap her away.

''Hyung when should I drive this car?'' His gang member,Taehyung questioned as he was at the driver's seat.

''As soon as I grab her and push her inside the van!'' Namjoon ordered as he kept a close eye to see when his target would be in a place where she would be alone.

''Hyung what should we do?'' His other gang member,Jungkook asked as he looked at the others and himself just sitting down in the van.

As the leader of the gang,his members would always bomb-bard him with questions as to what they should do and when should they do it,making Namjoon slightly annoyed however he knew that they wanted to do a good job and please him,their leader hence why he would always try to keep his cool and answer them as quickly as possible.

''Jungkook make sure her hands are tied,Suga make sure her legs are tied!'' Namjoon ordered. ''Jin have you applied the antidote to the tissue?''

''It's here!'' Jin handed the drugged tissue to Namjoon. ''Once she smells this,she'll be unconscious!''

''Hoseok I want you to cover her head with the bag! She shouldn't have a single clue as to where we will take her!'' Namjoon ordered.

''Yes boss!'' Hoseok got the bag and had it ready in his hands.

''Jimin make sure you close the door immediately after I drag her in the van!'' Namjoon demanded as he was about to get out of the van and get his prey. ''I'm going out now!''

''Yes boss!'' Jimin was immediately close to the door as he was ready to close it as soon as Namjoon and the target came in.

Namjoon saw that this was his perfect opportunity and ran towards his target and wrapped her face with the drugged tissue that Jin had given him,making her to struggle to fight him before she become completely unconscious and her body fell against Namjoon's,who carried her inside the van and off the van drove to the gang's hiding place to keep her hostage until they were ordered to do their next job.

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