Hide and seek{Editited}

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"This is all we need." Sky announces. Nodding over to Chihiro and Kazima who was in Reds grip. "Thank you for your corporation." Sky bows and the four of them disperses into the air.

When they went Samuel collapses onto the ground, sweating all over.

"Nika!" Yuki shouts. Nika was a healing spirit. Who had green hair wearing a red jumper and black jeans, Nika went up to them. "Do something!"

"Yuki you know I can't because it's the side effects of him losing a clan member," Nika explains, with a sad expression.

"Let's get him to his room then," Yuki suggests. Nika nods and orders five boys to help them carry Samuel to his room.

~~~(Chihiro's 3rd person)~~~

Chihiro wakes up in a room with no door. She wasn't chained up. On the left of her was a sleeping Kazima and on the right of her was also a sleeping Haku.

Chihiro decides to look for a secret door- or something to get them out of here. After a couple of times, she decides to sit back in her spot and look at Haku.

He's so cute, Chihiro thought. Dammit, stop thinking that girl! You're a human and he's a spirit!Her thoughts lecture her.

Chihiro nods and stands up walking to the other side of the room leaning her head against the metal wall.

She hears a groan and spins around, it was Haku.

"Pies." He mumbles. Then comes back to reality, and looks around the room until his eyes spot Chihiro. "Chihiro." He says.

Chihiro ran up to him and hugs him.

"Haku! Oh my god I was so worried!" Chihiro says and pulls away. "Where are we?" She asks him.

Haku leans down and touches the floor closing his eyes. "We're in the Wind Clans base. This room is in the sky so only people with teleportation magic can get in and out without an explosion. But the walls won't break easily, no bomb would damage them. If we would somehow make an exit then I wouldn't be allowed to transform into my dragon." Haku explains.

Chihiro nods not really getting it. They heard a groan coming from behind it was Kazima.

"Why are you so loud?" Kazima complaints. Kazima sprints up like someone just wack his face and knows what world he's in. "Where are we?" He asks panics.

"The wind Clan," Chihiro announces.

Suddenly someone appears in the room. It was Sky.

"Seems you're all awake I see." They all glare at him. Kazimas eyes turn into cats eyes. "Chihiro I need you to come with me."

"She's not going anywhere without me, Sky." Haku declines.

Sky rolls his eyes and grabs Chihiro's arm it was too late for Haku to realize what was happening. He leaps towardsChihiro, but a blue blur stops him, yelling her name.

"Dammit!!" Haku screams.

"Hey! She's going be okay. I'm sure of it." Kazima reassures him.

"No, she isn't! If she gets poison or harm like in death she'll become a spirit of some kind!" Haku explains panicking.

"That's good right?" Kazima asks, Haku glares at him and shakes his head.

Spirited Away 2:     Run Away DRAFTOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz